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I need help with Jquery WordPress

Hello guys,

I will need help to fix small problem i have with my opt-in form.

Im using gravity form and i need someone to implement jquery call
when some one click at firstname, lastname, email..etc that word will disappear
that way the customer can add their info there.

something like this

* Contact Form Values */

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_1').focus(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "Name*")
jQuery(this).attr('value', '');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_1').blur(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "")
jQuery(this).attr('value', 'Name*');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_3').focus(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "Email*")
jQuery(this).attr('value', '');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_3').blur(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "")
jQuery(this).attr('value', 'Email*');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_4').focus(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "Website")
jQuery(this).attr('value', '');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_4').blur(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "")
jQuery(this).attr('value', 'Website');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_6').focus(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "Subject")
jQuery(this).attr('value', '');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_6').blur(function(){
if (jQuery(this).attr('value') == "")
jQuery(this).attr('value', 'Subject');

jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_5').focus(function(){
if (jQuery(this).text() == "Your message here*")

/* For some reson this doesn't work in Safari and Chrome */
/*jQuery('#contact_form #input_1_5').blur(function(){
if (jQuery(this).text() == "")
jQuery(this).text("Your message here*");

/* Set height for backgroun-continues in .hentry */
if (navigator.appName == 'Microsoft Internet Explorer'){
jQuery('.hentry > .background-continues').css('height', function(){
return jQuery(this).parent().height() + 20;


I JUST dont know how to fix it :)
PS: this my first time here, I don't how this work. I will love to send some one the code i have to added and send it back to me... let me know if you can and how much..

Answers (1)


Rashid Aliyev answers:

Use AJAX WaterMark component.

Sam E comments:

can you please do that for me?

Rashid Aliyev comments:

YEs. Can. Skype me. And let to see the site.

Sam E comments:

what is your skype id?

Rashid Aliyev comments: