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I need an importer that imports image src with relative paths WordPress

On our dev site, I imported an old blog into a new blog with the official importer:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

This imported all the images with absolute links (pointing to the dev site) we when we push it to the staging server, all of the image links break.

Is there an importer that imports images using relative paths for the src?

It seems crazy that once we push to production we need to delete all content and re-import. How to large scale sites like TechCrunch handle this situation?

Answers (3)


Asad Iqbal answers:

In these case I use the following plugin:

I think it will help you too.


Arnav Joy answers:

see this article if helpfull


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


You can change with this tool: (the same that I have told you in the other answer) all the URLs of images from absolute to relative.

Search: http://....
Replace with: ./wp-content/uploads...