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I need a pro to help polish my site WordPress

I have just finished building an e-commerce website. Using the mazine theme ( and the wp-ecommerce plugin. The website is mine and in essence a family run business. (I thought it was important that you understand that I am the client and this is not for somebody else.)
I need help with the following and i was hoping to employ the services of a wordpress pro to help .:-

1, what could you do to make my site as stable as possible.
Sometimes the site doesn't load and it appears to not be consistent across different browsers. I have out sourced the work to ensure this but it seems the site is not as stable as I would like it to be. I also have a function set up that if the browser doesnt support flash that a jqueery slider is used rather than the piecemaker 2 plugin

2, As secure as possible, what can be done in this regard? Even if its just some consultancy and some guidance. changing the default /wp-admin url etc

3, As fast loading as possible. The site is slow to load. I have tried gzip plugins and caching plugins but it has caused some issues with the design especially the gzip compression plugins.
The site is hosted on a shared hosting platform. If this is the cause then i would like to know for definite before shelling out for a more robust hosting package.

4,There are also some know issues with this theme and its structure in terms of on page SEO. The header tags are not defined as they should be

The website is

My question is this can someone help me put all these things in order and what would you charge? I am fairly new to this site so if i have missed anything please let me know. All the very best.


Answers (2)


Pixel Coder answers:

Hi Stewart, the site looks fine to me and loaded fast enough. Using Chrome here.

Stewjd comments:

Thanks that's good to know.. Any thoughts on the other issues H1 tags? Security ?? or do you think i am being overly paranoid ??

Pixel Coder comments:

Maybe, we all have our own philosophies with regards to on-site optimisation. However the internet is ever malleable and provided you have the basics (WordPress and server management) I wouldn't worry too much.

Natural endeavour helps with peace of mind when publishing web sites.

Stewjd comments:

Thanks Pixel! I think natural endeavors may have caused some of my "issues" with so many schools of thought and best practice suggestions; for a newcomer like me deciphering the BS from the essential is a job in itself!

Thanks again for your comments.

best wishes



John Cotton answers:

Hi Stewart

I think your site loads pretty quickly, but there are always things that can be done to secure and improve. I've sent you a PM with some details.



Stewjd comments:

Thanks John will review and get back to you asap

Best wishes