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I have to change thumbnail dimensions or select different thumbnails WordPress


Hey Guys, i hope somebody can help me out. I have a problem with my thumbnails. The Theme i'm using (Hestia theme) has a standard thumbnail ratio for the shop page of 230 x 350. I want to set it to: 500 x 500. I can only change it in the woocommerce settings, but these are not applied to the Hestia thumbnails.

So i see 2 possibilities.

1. I change the ratio and size of the Hestia thumbnails from 230x350 to 500x500, but how ?

2. Change the shop page, so that the pictures use the thumbnails from woocommerce and not the standard thumbnails from the theme

Answers (4)


MDan answers:


For wordpress, after you set the desired image dimensions in wp-admin/options-general.php?page=media you have to install and run this plugin for the new dimensions can be applied.

If you want to resize featured images (post thumbnails) for your posts automatically then this plugin can help you: (install and run).

For woocommerce, please follow these steps:

See a short tutorial here:

IMPORTANT: After you modify image dimensions anywhere you need, you have to run the Regenerate Thumbnails plugin. You'll then find that the new images are applied succesfully.

Also important: When you upload a new image, are thumbnails created for it? In short, are you sure that your server supports image resizing? You need GD or Imagick to be installed.


Cesar Contreras answers:

You can find the configuration for the images of the template in
Settings -> Media
after you change the size, you must do regenerate thumbnails with some plugin for this, i recomended Regenerate Thumbnails

Fahad Murtaza comments:

The best solution in my opinion. I always use this.

User179305 comments:

This changes just the thumbnails which are shown in my wp media library, but not on the web page, at least not in my case :-/


Krishna Tiwari answers:

I hope this article is help you.
set_post_thumbnail_size( 50, 50 );


mod mi answers:

Since there are two options for the thumbnail dimensions, one for the theme's thumbnails and one for the shop's thumbnails you should check your theme's functions.php file and find the 'add_image_size' functions that set the custom image sizes. Look for the one that mentions 'thumbnails' like this:

add_image_size( 'thumbnail', 230, '500', true );

for 500 x 500 thumb dimensions you can change it to:
add_image_size( 'thumbnail', 500, 500, true ); // 'true' is for cropping the image if it doesn't fit that ratio

Make sure to also check Settings at the dashboard at Media to see if the thumbnail dimensions are set there.

Any changes you make will take effect for newly added images, so any existing thumbnails will remain with the previous dimensions. Please install the regenerate thumbnails plugin After installing it you can go to Tools > Regen. Thumbnails and hit Regenerate all thumbnails to update them to the newly created sizes. If you don't need to change all thumbnails you can go to Media and under every image there is an option added by the plugin 'Regenerate Thumbnails' so you can regenerate the sizes for the specific image only.

User179305 comments:

Thanks a lot, that was it :)
Now i almost regret posting this question, because i already looked for the thumbnail class in the themes, but i didn't found it. Thank you Sir !