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I have a wordpress Premium theme that requires content adjusted WordPress

I have a word press theme. wp store that I require cleaning up re content, photographs and menu links and tabs.
Wordpress content and internal setup
This is a easy job for someone who is confident with wordpress.
This job comes with Full documentation and is premium theme from Templatic – (the old premium themes) comes with the theme documentation to follow. The theme is already uploaded to a wordpress domain.
Our request is to set up the content within this wordpress them as we want and that portrays a professional front end to a prospective purchaser.

If successful we have 10 more that require alteration.

I want text (that will be supplied) to be placed in all the relevant places. That if they press on any link of photo that is associated with the product throughout the site, whether it be a text link, a picture or a menu tab that they end up at the correct product page which i want connected correctly when they press a buy now button, which is all in the set up of the theme back end.
Required in no longer than 48 hours

I have a document with screen shots that explain the changes if I have an email address to send it to prior to confirming job

Answers (2)


senlin answers:

This is not an answer, merely a couple of suggestions:
1. it would be helpful to see the site in question, to get an idea of what most likely needs to be done
2. you might want to reconsider the award; 15 bucks for 48hrs of work seems a bit low...

John Whitley comments:

that waqs pretty dumb of me really. sorry the idea was required in 48 hours. the work will take about two hours tops to a wordpress guru.
site is
thanks for pointing that out.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

48 hours / 15$ ??

John Whitley comments:

hopefully you wrote this after my reply. It meant to say I need it with 2 days:) not that it would take 48 hours...