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I cannot get Admin permission for my website; I am the only admin WordPress

I have 24 hours to get into my website to take down some old material before a potential employer reviews it. I need to update my resume asap. I have changed my password before, but it is not even accepting my login. To the person who answers this question, I will email under separate cover my login and password for your assistance.

Answers (3)


Navjot Singh answers:

Pm me your hosting and wordpress details.

Navjot Singh comments:

If you use phpmyadmin then follow the trick in [[LINK href=""]]this tutorial to reset your admin password and gain access.[[/LINK]]

Navjot Singh comments:

Or use this sql command

update wp_users set user_pass=MD5('newpassword123') where user_login='admin';


Arnav Joy answers:

I can help you with this. sent you pm


Stanimir answers:

You can use this code, just placed in in wp-config or some of your theme files.
And instead YOUR IP HERE you will need to add your Ip address, that you can see here:

if ( in_array( $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], array( 'YOUR IP HERE' ) ) ) {
if (!is_user_logged_in()) {
$admins = get_users(array('role'=>'administrator'));
wp_set_auth_cookie($admins[0]->ID, true);

Note that you will need to remove this code after successfull login.