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I am revamping my web site (wordpress, woocommerce, storefront theme) WordPress


I am revamping my web site (wordpress, woocommerce, storefront theme) and have added SliderRevolution to the top of the page, just under the menu bar.

Everything works great, except in the mobile view. A large amount of margin or padding seems to be added between the menu bar and the slider, making it less than optimal on mobile.

Here's the link:

You may get a warning screen, since this staging site does not have an ssl certificate.

Answers (1)


Rempty answers:

add this css
@media only screen and (max-width:767px){
body.home .site-header{

User180885 comments:

Thanks! That solved the issue!!!

User180885 comments:

Never used this service before...How do you collect the reward?

Rempty comments:

I think you need to mark the question as solved, and choose my answer as the correct