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Huge Rackspace CC overuse, from Sept. after new stats WordPress


I have a huge problem.

Had a Rackspace Cloudsites account and was doing great, way under their sign-up price. For me to sign up, they said that to reach their 10K Computing Cycles (allocated via secret formula) it's 2.1 mil. pageviews from database driven website, with no caching...

My WP based site has 0.9Mil PWs and uses Wp-SupereCache. And when they (RS) went and changed counting stuff, my hosting fees tripled, with no explanation. Huge overuse of secretly counted computing cycles, that they can not show me what's wrong

Well, I understand that my Q can not be solved in a single answer. But I'm happy to read your theories how to solve it And then get in touch solving, if needed, for the best of them.

BTW. Asked Rackspace for help, and all they could do is a file of supposedly top culprit files showing 100 CCs from 1200 I used that day (attached). Total BS IMHO

Anyway, the best recommendation to fix it - $30 for a prize here, and then you the best one I believe, gettin to fixin it directly for a separate fee, if agreed

The site in Q was

And, also, seems that ther's no reply there.

Jason: It's only 1 WP based traditional site, just go and check it - all mine, and the only one, no reselling or any similar stuff and cached, unless smth interferes.

And sorry again, they didn't let me upload *.xls files so I tried to zip it :) They won't me upload still. Sorry, I tried about 5 times after that, even increased prize by $5

And I tried and seen tons of generic WP/MySQL/Caching/etc; answers sorry, they did not work. Anyone with RS optimization experience?

Answers (5)


Jason Davis answers:

CC's come from multiple sources, not just page views. Form requests, API calls, Updating. Albeit these are small CC's they will begin to eat up your CC's. Moreover they more sites you add to your account the more CC's it'll eat. Reseller or not. Secondly there are so many more factors involved.

Check your plan, make sure any registered but unused resources are wiped from your account. If you're reselling you need to be charging your clients inside your plan to ( CYA )


Jason Davis


Utkarsh Kukreti answers:

I cannot see any file attached to this question. Could you please confirm?

Utkarsh Kukreti comments:

You can upload it to or your site and link us.


Jarret Minkler answers: Seems they were just undercharging you in the fist place


Lawrence Krubner answers:

Hi, I am Lawrence Krubner, one of the owners of this site, WP Questions. I just want to remind you that you can split your prize money among several answers. If you get useful information from several different people, it would be polite to split the prize money.

More details here:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Lawrence Krubner comments:

I didn't realize that people would need to upload xls files. I can certainly allow that. (We limit the types of files that can be uploaded for security purposes.)

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Okay, I've added Excel files to the types of files that you should be able to upload to this site. Right now I'm checking mime types with this simple code:

if ($fileMimeType != "application/msword" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/pdf" &&
$fileMimeType != "text/plain" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/x-gzip" &&
$fileMimeType != "multipart/x-gzip" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/x-compressed" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/x-zip-compressed" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/zip" &&
$fileMimeType != "multipart/x-zip" &&
$fileMimeType != "image/jpeg" &&
$fileMimeType != "image/pjpeg" &&
$fileMimeType != "image/png" &&
$fileMimeType != "application/" &&
$fileMimeType != "image/gif") {
return false;

Remember, if you'd like to request a new feature, you can do so here:

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Mathieu Hallé answers:

IMO, you should just change host.

You can get decent VPS server for about 150$/years.

Personally, i work with both dreamhost and media temple.

I'm currently moving all my stuff away from media temple because they had too much problems with WP in the last year.

I have been with dreamhost for over 5 years now and never probleme with them. i have a VPS with them since about 2 years and performance is good and the price is fair.

this is probably not the anwser your looking for. but hope it can help still