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How to stop search engine indexing of certain posts? WordPress


The theme I'm using uses posts to insert pictures into a gallery page. Google is indexing the picture post pages and I don't want it to. I have made a robots.txt file disallowing these posts and Google's robots.txt validator says it's working:

Disallow: /9 (that is the slug of the post page)

I made the robots file about 30 hours ago so maybe it indexed it before that or maybe something is wrong. I also have submitted an xml sitemap that only includes the pages I want indexed.

The posts that are disallowed just showed up on Google today. I am now putting the Robots Meta plugin on the site to place noindex on those posts. Can anyone tell me if this is correct? Is there anything else I can do? Is there a way to get those links off Google asap?

Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

Its correct robot.txt+noindex meta tag
Added 'password protected page' + make the post 'private' could be use too.

Depending of your site pagerank, please wait until google spider crawl and update your site..
A lot of big site also has their content being cache by google even if the have remove the content.

xing3811 comments:

Making it private keeps it from showing up on the gallery page.

Christianto comments:

Yeah.. sorry it midnight here *_*

xing3811 comments:

No problem, just thought there might be a way to mark private and still have it in the gallery.


Jarret Minkler answers:

I could also be indexing it through the tags or categories pages?

xing3811 comments:

I don't use tags, but categories is what is inserting the picture in the gallery page. I just set Robots Meta to "prevent indexing of category archives". And robots.txt has Disallow: /category/*/* (copied from Wordpress Codex). Maybe it will be right next time it is crawled. Thank you for your reply.