Very simple probably, and something I have done once, but cannot replicate...
I wish to remove the standard links:
Posts by Category
From every page on the site I am creating here:
I have managed to do so previously here:
I cannot replicate it, no matter how I arrange the menus and widgets.
Thanks, but neither seems to be the way forward, with the previous install of the theme I'm using I didn't edit any php files to achieve the lack of side bar menu items, and there isn't any widgets enabled in the back end.
Jonah Schulte answers:
Edit the sidebar.php file in your theme and remove the items there
Jonah Schulte comments:
The sidebar.php is located in /wp-content/themes/<YOUR THEME>/sidebar.php. Just open that in a text editor and remove anything you don't want.
AMYunus WP answers:
It might be any default widget on your theme. So you will have any default widget if you do not put any widget setting on the backend. Thus if you want there is no any widget there, just simply edit your sidebar.php or edit your widget setting by putting any blank `text` there. Well said by another above me.
reason edit: typo
Ivaylo Draganov answers:
Or, if Jonah's solution doesn't work (i.e. there's nothing in sidebar.php) try checking whether those items are being loaded as actual widgets. Just go to "Appearance > Widgets" in your Wordpress backend.
Rashid Aliyev answers:
Go to Widgets in Apperance menu, and find right side bir and remove "Pages" item from there (by pressing delete).
Also if there is no widget is insserted goto sideber.php file finde correct section and remove it. Can hel in future if You wish.
Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:
i think that in the first site : the homepage is a page used like front-page. No ?
Coud you verify ? Go here :
about the frontpage, is the first button checked or the second ,
If it's the second, the homepage is a page used like front-page.
In this case you must do the same thing in your second site.
Jarret Minkler answers:
Easiest is to just put something in those sidebars, even a blank "Text" module
Pali Madra answers:
Hi Tim,
I can see that you using the Veer theme from Simple themes.
From the documentation it seems that that the links are being generated by the menu option available at Appearance -> Menus in the admin section. Try removing the items listed there and you should be done.
BTW I just see 2 links there now. Does it mean that you have solved the problem already? If so please close the question.