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How to position logo and link it to home- Autofocus+pro WordPress


How do I change the position of the image logo and link it to the home page? I've gone into the style.css file to try and hack it and it doesn't seem to move. Help?

Answers (5)


Monster Coder answers:

In addition to styles.css you may also check in header.php file of your theme.

<strong>Linking to homepage</strong>
suppose, you want to link logo.jpg to your homepage:

<a href="<?php get_option('home'); ?>"><img src="logo.jpg" /></a>

I guess you will have to put this in header.php. In that case image source will be relative to your theme directory.


Svilen Popov answers:


<blockquote><div id="blog-title">
<a <strong>href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>"</strong> title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?>" rel="home">
<span><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></span>


Oleg Butuzov answers:

1) open header.php find div with id = branding
2) insert into it branding

<a href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>"><img src="<?php bloginfo('stylesheet_directory'); ?>/logo.jpg" /></a>

3) upload logo.jpg into theme directory...
4) css to position fo your needs logo

#branding {

possible values <strong>width , height, margin (-top,-left,-right,-bottom), padding (-left, -right, -top, -bottom).</strong>


Jignesh Patel answers:


If you are using the Autofocus+Pro theme & did not modified the CSS much, your logo should be set from CSS.

Find '#header' in CSS code. For the '#header' the logo is set with 'background' attribute. The value should be something like below...

background: url("{your_logo_path}") no-repeat scroll left center transparent

In the above line you can see 'left center' thats for the background position. Just edit that part as per your need to make something like below.

background: url("{your_logo_path}") no-repeat scroll 5px 10px transparent

Now to change the logo link, open the header.php Find the link set inside '<div id="branding">' & you can edit the link to make it look a like:

<a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>" ........


Matt K answers:

Hi Elizabeth,

Would need to see the current site to be able to work out how to change that :)

Will be a piece of cake then!