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How to override woocommerce admin templates? WordPress


I need to remove/edit few items on woocommerce product add/edit screen. See the attached image. I have found this are located at woocommerce>admin>post-types>writepanels>writepanel-product_data.php

It has some hooks but I can not make them work. I can edit the file directly on woocommerce but I want to override it from my theme so it does not get wiped when woocommerce updates.

Answers (2)


Ryan S answers:

Unfortunately I can't find any hook for updating action except for add and remove action, have you tried adding same exact file in your theme? like overwriting page template file add see if it works


Create these directory woocommerce/admin/post-types/writepanels/writepanel-product_data.php(copy same code) into your current theme.

Hope that helps

Jihan Ahmed comments:

I have previously tried it .. but with no luck !!


Balanean Corneliu answers:

The perfect way for do this i think is to create a custom plugin to call the function inside of the writepanel.
If you want send me a PM with your email, i will send you an exemple .
keep in touch,
corneliu b.

Jihan Ahmed comments:

Thanks .. my email address is [email protected]