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How to move WP design only WordPress


I have a theme I have been editing and would like to take just the theme or "design" and implement it on another WP site. There will be existing content on the second site that I want to remain untouched I just want to add the new design. I have a cannel on both sites now.

Second- will plug ins be effected?


Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

can you show both the sites?

and let us know what you need to copy from one site to other.

cj2015 comments:

I'm under the impression what I need to copy would be the theme's files from one hostings Cpanel to the other? I can't seem to copy or save the files, heres a screeshot of what I'm seeing.

So if I start with say a gneiss child frame uploaded as my theme and then I customize it in the style.css (in WP editor) why can't I then export it to simply upload it as a new theme to another WP blog?