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How to make Infinite Scroll Plugin work on my site? WordPress



I have a site with a grid theme on that should work with the Infinite Scroll plugin and allow for continuous scroll of the grid (this is mentioned in the theme support documents by the author, but the author could not help me somehow)

The problem is the plugin loads the next page on top of the current one overlapping all the content instead of adding it below it.

here is the link to the theme's support FAQ were it mentions the Infinite Scroll bit.

Let me know what else you need to know to help me with this

Many thanks,


Answers (2)


Christianto answers:


I saw jQuery conflict in place that you put this code:
$('.sort').isotope( 'appended', $( arguments[0] ));
You could change it to:
jQuery('.sort').isotope( 'appended', jQuery( arguments[0] ));

let me know the result if we change it..

Ronen Bekerman comments:

It doesn't :(

Christianto comments:

sorry its still conflicted, change to this
jQuery('.sort').isotope( 'appended', jQuery( arguments[0] ));
notice I change all $ sign to jQuery

Ronen Bekerman comments:

Update as you suggest and still the same result ;(

I guess there is something more then that.

Christianto comments:

Ok, now try change file wp_infinite_scroll.php in folder infinite-scroll on your plugin directory with file attach.

And put code below In the box next to “Javascript to be called after the next posts are fetched:”
$('.sort').isotope( 'appended', $( newElements ));