I need to include wp-load.php in a few scripts like a file uploader that needs wp_upload_dir().
I've researched it myself and I know some people say not to include it because you can't dynamically find the base wp folder without a lot of hassle, however, I do need it.
The best option I found was:
$incPath = str_replace("/wp-content/themes/blahtheme/files/backend/core","",getcwd());
$uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();
However, this creates problems if any folder name is renamed (ie: theme name) or the wp folder structure is changed.
There has to be a better way than this? I was thinking about php constant maybe?
Denzel Chia answers:
This is what I used in my client's plugin to include wp-load.php
This plugin is avaliable for download in WordPress Plugins Repository.
Put the following in the beginning of your file that requires wp-load.php
//include wp-config or wp-load.php
$root = dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))));
if (file_exists($root.'/wp-load.php')) {
// WP 2.6
} else {
// Before 2.6
It's in the file process_admin_ajax.php of this plugin http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/realanswers.2.1.1.zip
Lew Ayotte answers:
require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-load.php');
By the way, check out my post on using the [[LINK href="http://lewayotte.com/2010/09/27/using-wordpress-built-in-media-upload/"]]WordPress Media upload functionality[[/LINK]]...
Pippin Williamson answers:
Something like
$incPath = str_replace(ABSPATH,"",getcwd());
$uploads_dir = wp_upload_dir();
Would be better. I think that will work, though I didn't test it.
John Cotton answers:
How about
$wp_load = realpath("wp-load.php");
while(!file_exists($wp_load)) {
$wp_load = '../' . $wp_load;
it might be wise to put a counter in there to stop the loop going forever (or check for the root perhaps)....
Oleg Butuzov answers:
/* FindWPConfig - searching for a root of wp */
function FindWPConfig($dirrectory){
global $confroot;
foreach(glob($dirrectory."/*") as $f){
if (basename($f) == 'wp-config.php' ){
$confroot = str_replace("\\", "/", dirname($f));
return true;
if (is_dir($f)){
$newdir = dirname(dirname($f));
if (isset($newdir) && $newdir != $dirrectory){
if (FindWPConfig($newdir)){
return false;
return false;
if (!isset($table_prefix)){
global $confroot;
include_once $confroot."/wp-config.php";
include_once $confroot."/wp-load.php";
Oleg Butuzov comments:
i forgot to tell,, add this at begining of the file.