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How to have an IIS web server with WordPress service two networks WordPress

I have WordPress running on IIS that has two network cards. One is on a 10.4.1.# network and the other is on a 192.168.1.# network. Currently everything works fine on the 10.4.1.# network, but WordPress dosnt get shown properly on the 192.168.1.# network (dosnt load style sheets, I would assume the path is looking for 10.4.1#.

So how can I have WordPress / IIS serve both different networks?

Answers (2)


Daniel Yoen answers:

sorry, you mean accessing one wordpress service from different IP ?. try to make WordPress Address in Settings > General to localhost

69developer comments:

More information:

The IIS server has two network cards, one being 192.168.1# and the other card is 10.4.1.#

The server does server both IP's. Currently in the WordPress settings, URL, I have

When I access the WordPress site from computers that are on the 10.4.1# network, WordPress displays ok.
When I access the WordPress site from computers that are on the 192.168.1.# network, it takes a long time to load, and it seems like it cant find the style sheet.

So your saying just change the to localhost?

Daniel Yoen comments:

yes, but not tested :-)

also try this in .htaccess

RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(.*) [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://192.168.1.#/$1 [R=301,L]

69developer comments:

Putting localhost in did not work, as the computers that connect to the IIS server, get a returned address of localhost.

This server is running IIS, so I don't think we can use the .htaccess.

Any other suggestions?


Valentin Leyzaola answers:

192.168.1.# is a local ip, you could set your preferences direct in the database, look for
siteurl and home on option_name field of wp_options table