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How to feed my Facebook Events page events calendar to WP? WordPress


I (a webdesigner) need to find out how to feed (whether that is by: plugin/widget/etc.) a Facebook Fan/Business page's events to a WP page. I would need to extract from the FB event page/calendar only the content that I need such as - Event, date, time, description, image and would like that to automatically feed/populate into my events page on a WP theme.

I have asked this question to multiple developers who come back with various ways to do this but none have any real solutions. I need a solution that will actually work. I cannot for the life of me see why this is such a complicated task. I'm sure I can get an honest answer from this group of experts and it's worth at least $20 to get it answered...

Answers (4)


Ivaylo Draganov answers:


this can be accomplished with Facebook's [[LINK href=""]]Graph API[[/LINK]] but the documentation lacks concrete examples for integration. We'd have to scour the internet for some tutorials.

Have you tried using the plugin called [[LINK href=""]]Simple Facebook Connect[[/LINK]]? It has a module that gives you a widget which lists events either for a Facebook user, page or application.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

you can display items of facebook using jquery.
Tuto :

you can use a plugin which display items of FB :


Cosmin Popovici answers:

Try using for that, they're great! :)


Anna-marie Redpath answers:

You can use the facebook events ics feed with a
free plugin like [[LINK href=""]]amr-ical-events-list[[/LINK]] to customise how you display the data. There are also other similar plugins, but this one (mine!) deals with recurring events and has a very customisable layout, grouping etc

The plugin allows you to create multiple custom layouts using the data in the ics feed. It will cache the events feed and check for updates as often as you specify.


1. Find your valid public facebook ic surl - try "Export events" and then right click and copy the url, no need to actually export.
It looks something like this: Note you will use your url to "subscribe" your wp website to the events feed.

Note that sometimes facebook is slow to update the ics feed and sometimes one gets invalid feed url initially, but it does work eventually.

2. If using the plugin suggested, create a page, add
[iCal webcal://]
save, view

3. Then goto settings and play around with the list types to organise the event data as you wish. See for instructions.

You can play around with a test version without installing the plugin at your own site. See