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How to feed content to INNER PAGES only! WordPress


Hi my question is what kind of theme will work well if I want to post content on inner pages only?

The content will be fed to my wordpress site automatically, but I don't want the posts to show up on the index/home page....only on inner pages. I want the index page to have only the posts that I put there manually.

Is there a recommended theme or how do I set this up to do it automatically with any theme?

THANKS appreciate it

Answers (5)


Caroline Keim answers:

I would suggest using this plugin -

It will allow you to do this with any theme. You can basically check which categories you would like excluded from the Home Page (and actually any other sections of your website).

marco pelluci comments:

Thank you for your reply.

Once the plugin is installed and activated, how do I go about setting it up the way you say?

marco pelluci comments:

Hello is that all I get for $16 lol?

Caroline Keim comments:

If you activate the plugin -> look for ACE in the Wordpress sidebar. You'll see "Categories" under that dropdown. Select that item.

You'll then see various pages and all of your categories listed. If you "check" one of them, they will be excluded from that specific page.


Duncan O'Neill answers:

How will the content be fed to your Wordpress site automatically? If RSS feed, do you have an address for the feed?


Charles Clarkson answers:

Use any theme and add your own custom home page template. Use a category template to create the home page and select the category in the template. Then use that category to add posts to the home page.

For example, create a home page template that lists posts from a category named "Featured" and then control posts to the home page by adding and removing them from the Featured category.

Choose your theme first. Then create or adjust the home page template to your needs.


Just Me answers:

Not sure how you are going to upload post automatically but if you can make sure they are all in a specific category then you can handle this category any way you want using the things mentioned above.

Make special template files for the page you don't want them to show up or exclude them from the category listing on pages you don't need them.

There are a lot of ways to go about this.

Little curious how you are going to upload the posts automatically though.


Denzel Chia answers:


Hi my question is what kind of theme will work well if I want to post content on inner pages only?

I think what you need is a modification of any theme that you like. Pick a theme with a design that you like and modify the codes to do what you want. There is no theme that I ever came across that does automatic content posting.

The content will be fed to my wordpress site automatically, but I don't want the posts to show up on the index/home page....only on inner pages. I want the index page to have only the posts that I put there manually.

For your homepage, modify it to show a certain category of post only, or modify it to show sticky post only, this way you can prevent posts that are automatically fed from being shown on your homepage. This automatically fed posts will be grouped under their own category.
They would not appear on homepage unless you assign this category to it.

Automatically feeding of post can be done by creating a plugin that reads RSS feeds and insert them as post into WordPress. This can be done by creating a plugin that has an option page for you to enter the feed url and a button for you to activate and parse the feed and insert them as posts into your WordPress site.

The disadvantage is that you need to do this manually by accessing your plugin admin and do the feed import, so as to avoid duplicated content by parsing the same set of feeds.
If you want the feed import to be done automatically, you can schedule a WordPress Cron to run it,
but it will not be able check whether the feeds had been imported previously.

Hope the above explanation is of any use to you.

If you need someone to code you this feed to post content plugin, or do the homepage modifications, please let me know.
and for your information, my rate is USD$30 per hour.
