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How to enable comment to author.php WordPress


I have a multi author blog, and I want user to make comment to author profile, not only in posts and pages.

How to do that?
<?php comments_template( '', true ); ?>
doesn't work.

Answers (2)


Oleg Butuzov answers:

you can't in normal way =(.

author.php is archive page witch represent psots by some author.

Oleg Butuzov comments:

but you can make a tric, to create a hidden post (with some not native post_type) for example author_comments ...

and actualy grab comments for that page.

create post in auto mode you can do by using wp_insert_post function.

Mustamar Natsir comments:

Doesn't work.


Bill Hunt answers:

Easiest thing to do is create a real page for each author; the problem is that the default author "page" isn't a real page, so it can't have comments.

Mustamar Natsir comments:

What if I have a multi author blog, where people able to register and become an author automatically? It will have large number of author. will we do this manually?