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How to convert from multisite to single site database? WordPress


I have an old multi-site that supported 4 blogs. I have been asked to convert this to a new version of WordPress, with just one blog. Does anyone have suggestions about which of the following tables need to be ported?

| 2_bad_behavior |
| 2_commentmeta rs |
| 2_comments ances |
| 2_links links |
| 2_options synch |
| 2_postmeta |
| 2_posts ts |
| 2_term_relationships |
| 2_term_taxonomy |
| 2_terms tmeta |
| corp_3_commentmeta |
| corp_3_comments |
| corp_3_links |
| corp_3_options |
| corp_3_postmeta |
| corp_3_posts |
| corp_3_term_relationships |
| corp_3_term_taxonomy |
| corp_3_terms |
| corp_4_blc_filters |
| corp_4_blc_instances |
| corp_4_blc_links |
| corp_4_blc_synch |
| corp_4_commentmeta |
| corp_4_comments |
| corp_4_links |
| corp_4_options |
| corp_4_postmeta |
| corp_4_posts |
| corp_4_term_relationships |
| corp_4_term_taxonomy |
| corp_4_terms |
| corp_ak_twitter |
| corp_bad_behavior |
| corp_blc_filters |
| corp_blc_instances |
| corp_blc_links |
| corp_blc_synch |

| corp_blog_versions |
| corp_blogs |
| corp_commentmeta |
| corp_comments |
| corp_links |
| corp_options |
| corp_postmeta |
| corp_posts |
| corp_registration_log |
| corp_signups |
| corp_site |
| corp_sitemeta |
| corp_term_relationships |
| corp_term_taxonomy |
| corp_terms |
| corp_usermeta |
| corp_users |
| wpau_active_plugins_info |
| wpau_upgrade_log |

Answers (7)


Manoj Raj answers:

This may help you

Lawrence Krubner comments:

I am confused by this part of the article:

<blockquote>Drop these global tables in the database:

I thought I wanted to consolidate all content back into the those global tables?


Plugarized answers:

<strong>Instructions for multi to single database</strong>

Article Source:

<blockquote>Before proceeding make sure you take a backup of the database so you can restore it if something goes wrong.

1. Remove all the lines added to wp-config.php
2. Revert back to older .htaccess file or delete it and regenrate it by going to Settings > Permalinks
3. Remove the two fields added to the users table that are multisite-only (deleted and spam columns).
4. Remove the following tables in database (prefixed by your DB prefix which is generally wp_):

wp_sitecategories (if you have global terms enabled)</blockquote>

<strong>Other articles</strong>

<em>Recommended source</em> :

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Thanks for the in-depth list of resources. It was useful, though in the end I went with straight export/import.


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Moreover thant convert it to single site, you will have to update before to the most recent version of WordPress to make the database the most similar to the current database version.

Look at this article:

Lawrence Krubner comments:

I am not sure how easy this is. I'm told that they were unable to update the site (not that I tried). That is part of the reason why they want to start over with a fresh install and a port of the database.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

It's easy but it's not fast. You have to follow detailed instructions and there will not be a problem, I have done it with a blog network ( in production and there won't be any problem.

Only pay attention to permalinks, save settings if they are not running properly.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

Tell me from which version you are going to start.


Abdelhadi Touil answers:

You can export and save all posts from multisite, and then install a new single wordpress, finally import all posts you'v saved from the multisite version.
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
Good luck.

Lawrence Krubner comments:

This might be the simplest way to go. Won't the old slugs break the new URLs? How do I regenerate the URLs after import?

Abdelhadi Touil comments:

I think the best thing you can do to is to try to export/import on localhost on your computer rather than on your live website, and after testing every thing you can do it on your live website.
For urls I think they should work, just try to rebuild permalink if needed.
Good luck.


Dbranes answers:

one simple idea: why not just use the WXR files?

1) setup a single wordpress instance
2) goto each blog in the multisite and export it's WXR file (WordPress eXtended Rss)
3) finally import all the WXR file into the single instance

Lawrence Krubner comments:

It is a good idea. But will the old slugs break the new URLs? How do I regenerate the URLs after import? I have read that I will be dealing with a lot of 404 errors.

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Searching Google for "rebuild perma-links" I get dozens of articles from 2 years ago when apparently this was a big pain. Can I assume there some new method that makes this easy?

I'll repost this as a new question.

I'll close out this question now.

Dbranes comments:

There might be hardcoded links and images in the post_content.

Usually I just run a sql update command to fix it:

UPDATE wp_posts SET post_content = REPLACE ( post_content, '', '' );

but this search and replace tool is a livesafer:

ps: this tool is mentioned in the [[LINK href=""]]Moving Wordpress guide[[/LINK]].


Arnav Joy answers:

see this article

Lawrence Krubner comments:

Just to be clear, we are getting rid of multisite. We are going to single site. The multi site is old. The new blog will be single site. I need to figure out how to get the data from the old multisite and import it into the clean new site.


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

use the functionnality "export"
export the content of each site
delete your db and your wp-config and your htaccess

go to to re-install a single wp (update the version if you want)
when the site is installed, import each file you have export.

do you understand ?