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How to change the place of the page description WordPress


Hello, can someone give me an advice please, about how to change place of the page description at my product page, i need to move it from top to bottom (below the products). I am using a woocomerce plugin and mystile theme. Site url:

I am already have used Firefox whith Firebug, and frequently tune something via CSS. But in that case i am really confused. So i have a div block at the top of the page whith the name of class="page-description" and below have a ul block whith the name of class="products". Dunno how to put <div class="page-description"> below <ul class="products"> i have tryed to find and change the order of this blocks in .php files of theme but still nothing....

Answers (3)


zebra webdesigns answers:

Hello itsonline

Can you PM me the login details
Or can you add me in skype
Skype id: bhuvan530531

/*---- Edited -----*/

Hello Mate you are using the shop page as the home page and to control this you need to edit the woocommerce template.
The safe way is
1. go to woocommerce plugin folder , inside that you can find a folder called templates.
2. copy all the files inside templates folder. GO back to the mystile theme
3. create a folder called woocommerce and paste all the files over here. (note* in plugin files will be inside templates. inside theme you need to put directly under woocommerce folder. not inside the template folder)
4. you need to editi the following file
5. in line number 32 you will find the following code

<?php do_action( 'woocommerce_archive_description' ); ?>

6. cut the code and paste in the line number 57.
7. Here is the pastebin version of the code

This is completely tested and found to be working. If you need any help PM me.

Have a great day


Firoja_Imtosupport answers:


Please open wp-content\themes\mystile\page.php or wp-content\themes\mystile\index.php and let me know if you can find page -description there and i can help you further.


Arnav Joy answers:

are you using any static page for home page?