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How to change text & layout of MailChimp Widget? WordPress



I'm new to WordPress and have my web site up at [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I'm wondering where I can change the text in the MailChimp widget on my site that says "Email Address" (in the sidebar), since I would like it to say something else.

Also, how can I make it so that the text box (to enter the email address) and the "Go" button are on the same line?

Thanks for any help! Sorry if there isn't enough info here... I'm really new to this.

Edit: The widget plugin can be found here:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]


Answers (3)


idt answers:

<blockquote>I'm wondering where I can change the text in the MailChimp widget on my site that says "Email Address" (in the sidebar), since I would like it to say something else.</blockquote>

Try the method suggested on this thread:

Also, how can I make it so that the text box (to enter the email address) and the "Go" button are on the same line?

To do that add this to the bottom of your style.css
#mc_signup_form #mc_mv_EMAIL {
#mc_signup_submit {
margin-top: 1px;


Oleg Butuzov answers:

post a link to widget plugin, please


juan manuel incaurgarat answers:

try using this at your css file:

.mc_form_inside label {

that should change your label
obviously you can put any properties you want :)

to edit your text
go to MAILCHIMP SETUP under SETTING on your admin panel of your wordpress site

note that un HEADER CONTENT area, you can fill with any html you want
that its what will appear above your labels and inputs

on "Submit Button text:" you can edit what you want to appear on the submit button :)

though this its a lil bit outta date, here some info: