I use 'constants' a lot. I set them in functions.php like ...
define('mytheme_town', 'Orlando');
and then call them into the theme <?php echo mytheme_town ; ?>
But I need these to be blog-specific for multisite. So I thought it might be possible to append the current blog_id to the theme call and declare MultiSite-specific constants in functions.php? I don't know how to code that, but what I'm trying to achieve in the theme file this ...
<?php echo [blog_id]_mytheme_town ; ?>
<strong>For example</strong>
<em>In functions.php // set constants for all multisites that use this theme</em>
<em>// awebsite.org : site_id=1</em>
define('1_mytheme_town', 'Orlando');
define('1_mytheme_subject', 'food');
define('1_mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
<em>// adifferentsite.com: site_id=2</em>
define('2_mytheme_town', 'New York');
define('2_mytheme_subject', 'wine');
define('2_mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
<em>// anothersite.net : site_id=3</em>
define('3_mytheme_town', 'LA');
define('3_mytheme_subject', 'Donuts');
define('3_mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
In theme files Call the constants using the current blog_id like so ...
<?php echo [blog_id]_mytheme_town ; ?>
<?php echo [blog_id]_mytheme_subject ; ?>
<?php echo [blog_id]_mytheme_p1 ; ?>
I have been trying all day, but I'm just guessing and I don't really know what I am doing. Everything I have tried works, but it simply echos out a plain text version of the code
and not the php constant that is defined in functions.php.
Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:
in your file functions.php :
global $blog_id;
if($blog_id==1) {
define('mytheme_town', 'Orlando');
define('mytheme_subject', 'food');
define('mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
elseif($blog_id==2) {
define('mytheme_town', 'New York');
define('mytheme_subject', 'wine');
define('mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
elseif($blog_id==3) {
define('mytheme_town', 'LA');
define('mytheme_subject', 'Donuts');
define('mytheme_p1', 'This is the first paragraph text');
and in your theme
<?php global $blog_id;
echo mytheme_town ;
echo mytheme_subject ;
echo mytheme_p1 ; ?>
TheLoneCuber comments:
Would there be some performance issues with this method if there were 50+ blogs and therefore 50+ elseif's ?
Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:
no problem
TheLoneCuber comments:
Is that how the if/elseif's work? If the blog id = 50 and I defined all 50 blog constants in ascending order in functions.php, then all the 49 elseif's get processed before it gets to elseif($blog_id==50)?
Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner comments:
no, not really.
There is one query processed, not 49
Daniele Raimondi answers:
You can get the blog ID from the $wbpd object, like so:
global $wpdb;
$current_blog = $wpdb->blogid;
or could simple use
global $blog_id;
In your functions.php you can define your constants as you have already done, and then in your theme, make a call like this, <strong>using constant PHP function</strong>:
global $blog_id;
echo constant($blog_id.'_mytheme_p1');
TheLoneCuber comments:
I have tried this approach unsuccessfully. It does not append the blog_id to the constant. It echos them separately and does not process them as a single php call. This might be due to the way I am calling it?
This is what I've tried ....
<?php global $blog_id; echo $blog_id; echo '_mytheme_town'?>
But it literally echos the blog_id and echos the constant in text form (not processed php). This is what appears on the frontend ...
AdamGold answers:
Try this:
$my_blog_id = get_current_blog_id();
define( $my_blog_id . '_constant', 'content' );
AdamGold comments:
If it doesn't work, try this one:
global $current_site;
define( $current_site->id . '_constant', 'content' );
AdamGold comments:
By the way, if you want to use $blog_id (which is also an option..):
global $blog_id;
define( $blog_id . '_mytheme_town', 'Orlando' );