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How do I remove "property search" box and extend slider? WordPress

How do I remove "property search" box and extend slider to full width of page? The site is

The instructions say to change the page template to "full width" but when i do, it changes the entire page to a regular content page instead of the home page. I think there's a bad code somewhere but I know nothing about it...

Please help!

Answers (3)


Sabby Sam answers:

This is in build template functionality, So probably you need to remove the manually and increase the slider full width.
If you give me credentials details I can do it easily.

ryball24 comments:

username - sabby
password - sabby123

Sabby Sam comments:

Hi, Add this code in your style.css, it will work.
Modify the width in order to fit with on your screen.

.slide-info {
width: 964px !important;

.slider {width: 976px !important;}
.slider-container { width: 981px !important; }
.advancesearch-wrapper-home { display: none; }

ryball24 comments:

where in the style.css do i place this?

Sabby Sam comments:

This is your style.css ( Open this file and paste my code.

ryball24 comments:

I pasted it and saved and there is no change.

ryball24 comments:

nevermind...i had to clear worked!!

Sabby Sam comments:

I just want to tell you that at the moment we have hided your property search widget. If you know the coding then you must remove this from backed. You will find this code generally in the home.php or front.php or something in template. It is pretty simple. ( Just modify the height and width according to your need )


isp_charlie answers:

add this to last line of style.css.

.page-template-template-home-php .advancesearch-wrapper-home {
display: none;

.page-template-template-home-php .slider-container .slider {
width: 98%;
.page-template-template-home-php .slider-container,
.page-template-template-home-php #slider-wrapper .slide-info,
.page-template-template-home-php #slider-wrapper li.slide {
width: 100%;

ryball24 comments: change!

isp_charlie comments:

where you pasted ?, i didn't see css applied.

ryball24 comments:

Ok, i just re-pasted and saved and still no change

isp_charlie comments:

i saw it changed.

isp_charlie comments:

please clear cache.


Sai kumar answers:

Hi there,

To remove the search box from your page, just edit your stylesheet (style.css), if you give me the credential for a while then i will definitely solve your problem or otherwise please search for <strong>.seach-wrapper</strong> in your style.css file and add <strong>display:none;</strong> in it. Then your search box will permanently disappears from your website.

For making your slider full width, please give me the wp-admin user and pass, if you wish to. Will help you to solve the issue.

I will be available here. You contact me if u wish and will solve your problem without any more issues.