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How do I pull data from a Microsoft SQL Server? WordPress


I have a WP site with a custom post type. My client wants me to include data from an external database running on MS SQL Server. I was given Windows Authentication access to the server and database by our IT dept, but I do not have any login info.

I'm confused about how to connect and how to access the data I want when I do. Does anyone have experience with this sort of thing?

Answers (4)


Rempty answers:


Here is how connect to MSSQL server using Windows Authetication access

The same as before but from Microsoft MSDN

Sorry but never tried this before, but maybe the links above can help you.



Bob answers:

the external database is used for wordpress or that external database has information that you need to add in wordpress?

initiatus comments:

Agree, this is important to know.


initiatus answers:

Do you know if any other website uses that database? If so you could check that site's config files to find out how it connects to the DB.


Arnav Joy answers:

is your problem solved ?