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How do I post a banner link a longside each post? WordPress


Example I write a post about Alicia Keys which includes a video, and I want to put my amazon affiliate banner link directly across the video in the the post so people if they want to purchase they can click right along the side on the banner.

This is separate from the main side bar.

Answers (4)


Pippin Williamson answers:

Use custom meta boxes:

This will allow you to add an extra field to post edit screen. Then just display it next to your post.

Contact me if you need more help.

newpapa comments:

Pippin before I found this site, I read where someone else suggested that,and I tried it but I wasn't sure where the custom box was showing up.
I have had luck putting whatever message or ad in a text box but that just keeps it on the sidebar.
Also once I get a code is it permanent for each post or can it be turn on and off.

Pippin Williamson comments:

The custom meta boxes show up just below the post editor in the dashboard. The information you choose to put into the meta box (i.e. your affiliate ad) can show up anywhere on your site you want.

You can also include an option that allows you to turn your ad on or off.

This solution is probably the best for your situation, however it requires some custom coding. So if you're not familiar enough with the coding, this could be difficult. However, I have set up similar solutions many times and would be more than happy to help you out.

Get in touch with me at [email protected] if you'd like assistance.

newpapa comments:

Pippin, Cats Who Code did what I want to do with his coupon snippet,

However I tried and still could not figure out how to open a affiliate ad in that space.
If I were to draw a picture of what I want to do that would be it, his coupon snippet.


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Hello newpapa,

I want to give you my suggestions.

There're 18 WordPress Plugins For Affiliate Marketers.

<strong>Amazon Plugins</strong>

<strong>Amazon Media Manager: </strong>The Amazon Media Manager lets you add items from Amazon’s catalogue to your wordpress blog. It keeps a list of things you’ve added, too, so you can choose what to display, how to display it and more!

Try this insert your Amazone products to page or post.

If you need special help you can contact with me.

best regards,


Sam H answers:


Tiago Duarte answers:

I would recomenr Advertising Manager plugin ( since it's very easy to use and, as said in the description <em>"Put ads in your blog posts with the click of a button"</em> which is what you are looking for.

If you require further help please contact me and i'll gladly help.


newpapa comments:

Tiago, thanks will give a try, and will post results.