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How do I optimise my Wordrepss database? WordPress


I have uninstalled Simple Press from my WP as it was slowing it down alot. But it has left entries on the database. What is the best way to get rid of them?

Answers (4)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Hello Mr. Steve,

You can do it in a two way.

I'll explain to you effective way. First of all login your wp-admin and uninstall, delete unwanted plugins.

Clean spam comments and draft (unwanted) posts. Empty thash.

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You can setup WP-Optimize or WP-DBManager plugin to do it quickly.

<strong>My suggestion : </strong>Don't use any plugin for this. Login to your PhpMyAdmin (to your WP DB) , Then open your tables. You'll see overheaded some tables.

Select this tables and OPTIMIZE it.

However you can make your backup from here too.

Best regards,


Tobias Bergius answers:

Hi Steve,

See this:


Valentinas Bakaitis answers:

See Tobias answer


Ehthisham tk answers:

if you know exactly what you don't need then the best way is to use phpmyadmin [a tool in your cpanel],login>>select your database >>and there you can find the tables>> browse through the tables and find out and drop those tables.
Mostly the table name will contain parts of the plugin name.