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How do I get my slideshow photos back? WordPress


I am using Ambitious theme.

I finished designing my site 5 months ago and have not touched the slideshow on the homepage since then. Yesterday I simply tried to add a slide to the slideshow and it messed up a lot of functions on the site.

First of all, none of the slides show up on the homepage anymore. There is just a blank space where they should be. Also, the fonts are now all squished together making it difficult to read. In addition, the Twitter Feed and Recent posts widgets in the footer disappeared. The last odd thing I found is that on the wordpress sign in page everything is stretched vertically and in the upper left hand corner is "http://www.pittieloverescue.orgPittieLove Rescue" I'm assuming these problems are all connected and one fix will correct everything.

Any insight into this odd problem would be greatly appreciated.

Oh and lastly, when I went to the live demo of the ambitious theme, their slideshows didn't appear either and the same thing with the font was happening.

My site is:
theme site:


Answers (2)


Christianto answers:

Hi Adibla2,

Could you send me you theme zip file..
to 2nd.lilith [at] gmail [dot] com
I will check it.

the slider didn't appear because some JS code to initialize the slider didn't load properly..

you can check that this line should be loaded to your site

which contain this code to start the slider
fx: 'fade',
timeout: 6000,
pager: '#navcycle span',
speed: 1000,
pagerEvent: 'click',
pauseOnPagerHover: true,
cleartypeNoBg: true,
pause: 1

And there are other required code as well..

For the font, it use cufon, and not included to the site (both cufon yui and cufon font)


Arnav Joy answers:

as you said the live theme demo also showing the same problem , so i would suggest you to talk to the support provider of the the theme.may be there is any problem in any resource and you are also that resource as well .