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How can I set dual currency for my site? WordPress

I am using the StoreFront theme from Templatic and I would like my site to display dual currencies for all my products, i.e my local currency (Malaysian Ringgit) and USD.

Can anyone help?


Answers (2)


Ram Kumar answers:

Plugin Name:WPSC Currency Changer
Plugin URI:
Description: A plugin that provides a currency converter tool integrated into the WordPress Shopping Cart. Visit the <a href=''>getshopped forums</a> for support.
Version: 0.1
Author: Instinct
Author URI:
define('WPSC_CURRENCY_FOLDER', dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
//Include Currency Converter Class
//Include widget for sidebar

* Description sets up the converter data, does initial conversion for for 1.00 of base currency
* @access public
* @return none
function load_wpsc_converter(){
global $wpsc_cart, $wpdb;
$wpsc_cart->use_currency_converter = true;
$currency_code = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT `code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".get_option('currency_type')."' LIMIT 1",ARRAY_A);
$local_currency_code = $currency_code[0]['code'];
$_SESSION['wpsc_base_currency_code'] = $local_currency_code;
$foreign_currency_code = $wpdb->get_var("SELECT `code` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CURRENCY_LIST."` WHERE `id`='".$_POST['currency_option']."' LIMIT 1");
$_SESSION['wpsc_currency_code'] =$_POST['currency_option'];
$wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code = $foreign_currency_code;
$_SESSION['wpsc_currency_code'] =get_option('currency_type');
$wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code = $local_currency_code;
$foreign_currency_code = $local_currency_code;
if($foreign_currency_code != '' || $foreign_currency_code != $local_currency_code){
$wpsc_cart->currency_conversion = $curr->convert(1,$foreign_currency_code,$local_currency_code);
foreach($wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item){
// exit('<pre>'.print_r($wpsc_cart, true).'</pre>');
$wpsc_cart->subtotal = null;
$wpsc_cart->total_price = null;
$wpsc_cart->total_tax = null;


* Description Converts prices for all prices, called through filters,
* @access public
* @param price double numeric
* @return number calculated price
function wpsc_convert_price($price){
global $wpsc_cart;
$price = $price * $wpsc_cart->currency_conversion;
return $price;

* Description Adds Currency Country Code to Prices
* @access public
* @param string $total price + currency symbol
* @return string country code, currency symbol and total price
function wpsc_add_currency_code($total){
global $wpsc_cart;
// exit($wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code);
if ($wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code != 'USD') {
$total = str_replace('&#036;','',$total);
$total = $wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code.' '.$total;
// exit($total);
return $total;

function wpsc_add_currency_code_to_price($productprice){
global $wpsc_cart;
if ($wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code != 'USD') {
$productprice = str_replace('$','',$productprice);
$productprice = $wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code.' '.$productprice;
return $productprice;

* Description Reset prices to the default, and calculates new total cart price...
* @access public
* @param none
* @return none
function wpsc_reset_prices(){
global $wpsc_cart;
$wpsc_cart->use_currency_converter = false;
$wpsc_cart->total_price = null;
$wpsc_cart->subtotal = null;
foreach((array)$wpsc_cart->cart_items as $item){


* Description
* @access
* @param
* @param
* @return
function wpsc_save_currency_info($cart_id,$product_id){
global $wpsc_cart;
// exit('<pre>'.print_r($product_id, true).'</pre><pre>'.print_r($cart_id, true).'</pre><br /><pre>'.print_r($wpsc_cart, true).'</pre>'.print_r(func_get_args(),true));
$meta_key = 'wpsc_currency_conversion_rate';
$meta_value = array( $wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code => $wpsc_cart->currency_conversion);
wpsc_update_cartmeta( $cart_id, $meta_key, $meta_value );


* Description show currency price shows converted price viewed by user when proceeding through checkout
* @access public
* @param purchaselog id
* @return none
function wpsc_show_currency_price($purchaselog_id){
global $wpdb, $purchlogitem;
$sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `".WPSC_TABLE_CART_CONTENTS."` WHERE `purchaseid`='".$purchaselog_id."'";
$ids = $wpdb->get_col($sql);
foreach($ids as $id){
$conversion_rate = wpsc_get_cartmeta($id,'wpsc_currency_conversion_rate' );
if($conversion_rate != 0){
$conversion_rate = maybe_unserialize($conversion_rate);
foreach((array)$conversion_rate as $key => $value){
echo '<br />'.$key.' '.nzshpcrt_currency_display($purchlogitem->extrainfo->totalprice*$value, 1, true);


if($_REQUEST['wpsc_admin_action'] == 'change_currency_country'){

function wpsc_display_fancy_currency_notification(){
global $wpsc_cart;
// exit('<pre>'.print_r($wpsc_cart, true).'</pre>');
if($wpsc_cart->selected_currency_code != $_SESSION['wpsc_base_currency_code']){
$output .="<div id='wpsc_currency_notification'>";
$output .= "<p>".__('By clicking Make Purchase you will be redirected to the gateway, and the cart prices will be converted to the shops local currency','wpsc')." ".$_SESSION['wpsc_base_currency_code'].'</p>';
$output .="</div>";
echo $output;
function wpsc_add_currency_js_css(){
// wp_enqueue_script('wpsc-currency-js',WPSC_CURRENCY_URL.'/js-css/currency.js', array('jquery'), 'Wp-Currency-Magic');
wp_enqueue_style( 'wpsc-currency-css', WPSC_CURRENCY_URL.'/js-css/currency.css', false, '0.0', 'all');

add_action('init','wpsc_add_currency_js_css', 11);
add_action('wpsc_save_cart_item','wpsc_save_currency_info', 10, 2);
add_filter('wpsc_price_display_changer', 'wpsc_add_currency_code');
add_filter('wpsc_price_display_changer_to_price', 'wpsc_add_currency_code_to_price');
</code> try this. it works fine

Raymond Tan comments:

Hi Ram,

Thanks for responding.

I have zero knowledge in programming language. How do I proceed from here?



Travis Smith answers:

@Ram, I don't believe that will work as it is missing a file or two containing the class and the widget.

Since Templatic developed the ecommerce as part of the theme, I would recommend talking to them or searching their community forums.

If I were you I would try using this plugin: [[LINK href=""]]Currency Converter[[/LINK]]

And if that doesn't work, you could also try using this plugin from WP E-Commerce ([[LINK href=""]]Multi-Currency Magic[[/LINK]]).

Raymond Tan comments:

Hi Travis & Ram,

I apologise for not being clear in my question.

My shopping site displays only my local currency. I would like the USD to be desplayed too, to give the buyer the option of paying in either currency. Thanks.