I'm using [[LINK href="http://fthrwght.com/autofocus/"]]autofocus 2.0 lite[[/LINK]] theme on [[LINK href="http://gooshe.net"]]this website[[/LINK]].
I'd like to change post titles on home page (adding text shadow and make them bold so could be more readable on the photos)
but when i change them, the post title on archives and categories change too.
Would you please help me to change only the post titles on home page?
Thank you
Naveen Chand answers:
In your style.css, add this:
body.home h2.entry-title font {
text-shadow: 0.1em 0.1em 0.05em #333;
This will change the style of the post title only on the home page. When you click on the post, the shadow will not appear. You can change the settings of text-shadow property to your heart's content now!
Hope this resolves your issue.
Two things:
1. Note that I have viewed the english-translated version of your persian site and got the above css. In your actual css, you may want to try without writing the word <strong>font</strong> in the css code above. Try this tip if you can't get it to work with the above code.
2. Secondly, try to view the site in a incognito mode of google chrome so that even if your current browser has cached it, it will work in the incognito mode. Or simply try a different browser. If your browser is not caching, you can see the results instantly.