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[Homeowner Theme] Custom RSS PHP Page not showing images WordPress


I have a [[LINK href=""]]custom RSS feed[[/LINK]] on this website that is supposed to show the first image of the entry, along with some custom fields.

Up until 3 weeks ago, the feed was working fine. Then the image stopped appearing - first it appeared as a broken image and now it shows nothing altogether. I don't know much about this script as I'm not a coder, but I believe it gathers the data from individual entry pages.

I've tried contacting the coder who developed this for me, but haven't had any reply. And my experience with PHP is very, very limited.

The code can be viewed [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]] for the custom feed. The code for the property listing can be viewed [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]].

If you require additional access, I can arrange that for you.

Answers (2)


Romel Apuya answers:

hi sent you a PM..


Peter Michael answers:

At line 46 it reads:
<?php if (get_option('rss_use_excerpt')) : ?>
So, there is an option for the feed or the theme somewhere to enable post excerpts, including the image. If that option is turned off the image will not be displayed.

Matt Hancock comments:

Can you please elaborate on this? To my knowledge, I'm not using post excerpts for anything on the site.

Peter Michael comments:

This affects only the RSS feeds. You can find the option [[LINK href=""]]here[[/LINK]]. Enter 1 as value, save and check if the images are back in your feed.

Matt Hancock comments:

Please check your PMs. I'm unable to find it and have forwarded on the admin link.

Matt Hancock comments:

I've found the option and have enabled it by entering '1'. It made everything disappear in the feed and I had to switch it back to '0' in order to get the feed back.

Peter Michael comments:

Replied via PM