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Home page issues WordPress


I'm really not sure what I did. I did load WP-Cache last week..and then I unloaded it after the problems began. Now when you first call up my site, the Featured Content Gallery plugin will not play. But I have noticed that if I enter the home page back through another page, it plays....ugh, so I'm not sure where to begin as I've looked through some of the files and see nothing questionnable - but I am by far no expert. Please help!

Answers (6)


Jonah Schulte answers:

Hi Jennifer,

If you post a link to your site I would be happy to take a look at the problem. If you want me to just solve the problem ASAP, you could send me a private message with your site's FTP and Wordpress admin login and I can work on it until it's fixed.


Jennifer Hunter comments:

Jonah Schulte comments:

I see this error when visiting your home page:

Error: element.getElements is not a function
Source File:
Line: 148

It seems there is a problem with MooTools which is probably breaking the home page. I'll see if I can track down the exact problem.

Jonah Schulte comments:

Hi Jennifer,

The problem seems to be that your gallery script is including both MooTools and jQuery libraries on the page without using the jQuery noConflict method.

There are a few ways to resolve this problem:

1.) Use a different plugin that does not require MooTools.
2.) Eliminate the need for jQuery on your site.
3.) Add the following code to your site header:

<script type="text/javascript">

Then update any jQuery scripts on your site to use jQuery() instead of $() to access objects on the page, or one of the other methods listed here:

You could also try upgrading the version of MooTools you're using, as you seem to have an older version. You can get the latest version of MooTools here:

The MooTools script currently on your site is located on your server here:


Let me know if you would like me to log in and fix these problems on your behalf. If so, please send me a private message with the login information for your web server as well as the Wordpress admin and I can get you back on track!


Jennifer Hunter comments:


I just sent you the info to try. Would this have occurred even if I hadn't installed wp_cache and then removed it?

Jonah Schulte comments:

Thanks Jennifer, I got the information and am working on it now. It might have happened with or without wp-cache... tough to say. I should know more soon!

Jonah Schulte comments:

Hi Jennifer,

I believe I have resolved the problem with the site, which as expected had to do with the combination of MooTools and jQuery script on the site. Please check the site's home page and anything else you like and let me know if you encounter any problems or if you are still having issues seeing the slideshow.



Jonah Schulte comments:

Hi Jennifer,

I may have been a bit hasty in my 'problem solved' diagnosis... I'm still seeing an issue on some browsers. I'll get back to you very soon!


Jennifer Hunter comments:


Wow I hope I haven't messed something up too badly!

Jennifer Hunter comments:


I'm signing off for the night...I'll check in tomorrow. Thanks for all your help.


Jonah Schulte comments:

You're welcome, Jen! I hope to have it fixed by morning.

Jennifer Hunter comments:

Hi Jonah,

you may have already thought of this, but do you think uninstalling the featured content gallery plugin and reinstalling would help?

I know when I view the source of the home page when it's not working the code file is about 1/2 the size as when I view it when it is working. It's as if it duplicates all the source and then it works

Jonah Schulte comments:

Hi Jen,

I think I have really solved the problem this time. Can you take a look and let me know if it's working better for you now?


Jonah Schulte comments:

The fix was to disable the "SexyBookmarks" plugin which was added August 22nd. The jQuery used in that plugin conflicts with the Featured Content Gallery plugin. If you want to create a separate question regarding how to make the "SexyBookmarks" plugin work with the FCG plugin we could work on making the two compatible, or you could choose a different plugin that may not conflict.


Jonah Schulte comments:

Here's a very nice plugin that was recently developed which uses jQuery rather than MooTools... you could replace the Featured Content Gallery plugin with the Tierra Billboard Manager and then re-activate the SexyBookmarks plugin:

Both the FCG and TBM plugins essentially do the same thing, but the Billboard Manager plugin is still regularly updated and is pretty slick. I could set that up for you as well if you want to create a new question on here for that task.



Tobias Nyholm answers:

Have you removed the cache plugin completely? Check your wp-content and wp-content/cache.
Remove everything that has "cahce" in its name.

I'll bet it is a cache problem.

Jennifer Hunter comments:

do I even remove a folder that just is called "cache"?


paul de wouters answers:

what is the URL?

Jennifer Hunter comments:

paul de wouters comments:

have you updated the gallery plugin or WordPress just before the error?

Jennifer Hunter comments:

no, I don't believe I did

paul de wouters comments:

in any case I'd use another plugin, because if it's this one :
it's not being actively developed


jkovis answers:

Can you verify that the thumbnail URLs for are correctly set?

When I looked at your source it looks the thumbnail for that post is called twice which might be breaking the slideshow :

<a href="" rel="bookmark"><img class="thumb" src="<a href=""><img src=""&amp;h=115&amp;w=115&amp;zc=1" alt="Bloggy Boot Camp San Francisco" /></a>

Jennifer Hunter comments:

I just removed that was easier than checking it since it's passed.

jkovis comments:

it looks like it's working now...did you do anything else?

if not, can you try adding that post back to see if that was the cause?


Patrick Daly answers:

Does you wp-config.php file still contain: define('WP_CACHE', true);

Jennifer Hunter comments:

no, I removed it


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Dear Jennifer Hunter,

Test it and tell me what happened.

1- Check the latest post which using at FCG. Be sure that all of your post has got article image, thumbnail or featured text! What you're using on your FCG. If it's OK and still not solved then go to next step.

2- Disable all of your plugins (without Featured Content Gallery) and check it again. If it's worked then try to activate one of them and test again. Find which plugin conflicting with your FCG.

If you have any questions I'm available.

best regards,

Jennifer Hunter comments:

Thank you...I tried both of those and still it's not working. worked fine for so long, so I know it's something I did - I just can't figure out what....