I have a website with high memory Ram used http://umafrase.com
I have a dedicated server with 16GB and that is at 80% utilization
It has approximately 20,000 daily visits.
It has many comments in the site.
Already tested the Plugin "Quick Cache" and "W3 Total Cache" but does not solve.
There is a plugin to solve the high utilization of memory Ram?
Thank you
Dbranes answers:
Hi, you can try adding this into your wp-config.php
define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', '96M');
(adjust to your value)
You could also try the P3 plugin to profile your plugins:
Also recommend the Debug bar (and it's extensions)
and the Blackbox debug bar:
Memory viewer for your hooks:
Also consider using <strong>nginx</strong> instead of Apache
You should also check what process is using all your memory (i.e. is it apache or mysql or something else)
If it's mysql there is a great script called tuning-primer.sh that can give you hints how to configure it (if you have access to ssh, you can check it with top or htop)
ps: if you have lot's of comment's that are constantly refreshing the cache,
you might also consider using comment services like Facebook / Intense Debate / Disqus / LiveFyre
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:
Hi Jose Ribeiro,
I would use a low level cache, look at this: https://www.varnish-cache.org/ and also here documentation in Spanish: http://ayudawordpress.com/varnish-y-wordpress/ (there should be more in English) and this plugin: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wordpress-varnish-as-a-service/.
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:
I have seen your site, maybe you can also try to make your theme lighter:
* Remove all calls to get_bloginfo http://codex.wordpress.org/Function_Reference/get_bloginfo and make them static (CSS path, site title, site charset, etc.)
* Make HTML as many sites as you can (pages and widget that always have same info)
* Try to make lighter the queries
* Study plugins load: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/p3-profiler/
Michael Caputo answers:
What are your settings for W3 Total Cache like?
I've been working on a site that receives 5x the visits (often all at once) as yours, and we do not have it running on a server with that high of specs...
Have you spoken to your server administrator?