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Help with edits to my site, more money inside WordPress


Hello I am looking for someone to help with the last edits to my site. I have created this post for $1 as I would like you to let me know if you can do these edits and give me an idea for what I should expect to pay. You may PM me with a price or post here.

Once I have chosen someone to help me I will increase the bid to the amount and vote the person to help me, so all transactions go through this site. I hope this is allowed as I believe I have read on this site before that the sites creator had OK'd this.

My site: horsebreedersuk( .com )/stallions/mfs-vision/

1. Thumbnails on post page open in a new window, I would like them to open in a fancybox/lightbox or similar, I have installed fancybox, but cannot get this to work. The thumbs are generated by wp-galleria plugin.

2. I would like to be able to create a search option at the top of the archive page that would search the horses discipline i.e. Showjumping, Eventing, Dressage etc. Each post has this info in a custom field within the post. Is there a way to create a dropdown box with these options in, so a user could show all posts that have the custom field 'Dressage' for example. I have seen this plugin: ( Would this do the job? Can you install and setup for me?

3. I would like to be able to feature certain posts, so on the archive page: http://www.horsebreedersuk( .com )/stallions/ I would like to be able to sticky a chosen post to the top of the page with a certain css styling attached to it (i.e. a green border around the featured post.) This could be as simple having a featured category and if a post was in both categories then show it at the top of the page.

Could you please PM me your cost for doing these edits, I will then choose someone to help me. I can provide FTP details, I would prefer you to do the edits rather than you telling me how to do them, it will prob be quicker this way also.

I will then increase the amount for the question and choose you as the winner once the work is done.

Thank you

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

I can do your these changes provide me details . my contact info is

[email protected]

Arnav Joy comments:

please also write here if you want something more from me.

Ross Gosling comments:

Hello Robin I did email you regarding this. Did you receive my e-mail?

Arnav Joy comments:

yes i received your email and replied for it.


nina magbanua answers:

1. Thumbnails on post page open in a new window, I would like them to open in a fancybox/lightbox or similar, I have installed fancybox, but cannot get this to work. The thumbs are generated by wp-galleria plugin.

- install lightbox 3 on the plugins and activate it. on your thumbnail gallery on <a> tag add this <a rel="lightbox"> . You will automatically have a lightbox images.

2. I would like to be able to create a search option at the top of the archive page that would search the horses discipline i.e. Showjumping, Eventing, Dressage etc. Each post has this info in a custom field within the post. Is there a way to create a dropdown box with these options in, so a user could show all posts that have the custom field 'Dressage' for example. I have seen this plugin: ( Would this do the job? Can you install and setup for me?

- install this plugin and add this plugin on your widgets. Or you can follow this steps on this link :