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Help with Wpecommerce WordPress

As briefly as possible, my site went down a couple of days ago. I ended up having to restore an older database than i would have liked. While i searched for a more recent copy.

While that search was underway i made a sale.

The problem is this now that I have restored to my newer database backup how do i import that sale from the older database and all associated user data.

My goal is to not have to force my customer to sign up again but have it all ready from him/her to log in as he/she would expect....

Any help greatly appreciated I am running the latest versions of wordpress and wpecommerce plus I have the gold cart upgrade. I did try the getshopped personal 1 to 1 support but it seems to be down at the moment.

Answers (4)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:


Here you can see the database schema:

You should have all data of the user into wp_users but the data of sale should be in more than one table, so it is not so easy.

Stewjd comments:

Many thanks for the prompt reply... I was hoping for something a little more specific. I have managed to find the order on the purchase_logs table and exported that. However since i have imported that record into the new purchase_logs table the order ID doesnt match up with the data underneath. and there is no recollection of this customer ever signing up ...


Arnav Joy answers:

these are the tables which holds the data for wp ecommerce


beside this all other tables of core wp are also used like for product and for users etc..

Stewjd comments:

Do you think i have a hope of achieving my goal, or should i ask the customer to sign up again.. I would create his account again for him but i don't know the password he selected....


Sabby Sam answers:

Make a one testing site and try to evaluate on testing first and then transfer this site to the main site.
I hope this will help you.


John Cotton answers:

Hi Stewart

If you've got his entry in the wp_users table, you can just copy it across to your restored version. You don't need to know his password, it's just a string in the database - WP takes care of the matching.

His ID in the old and new will need to match though.


Stewjd comments:

Thanks John will give it a whirl..

John Cotton comments:

Don't forget that you need to copy over all the rows in wp_usermeta that match his id.