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Help with IMG and href title attribute on wordpress site WordPress


This may be a dumb question but I've been staring at this for a day now and can't figure out what the problem is. Im on vacation so maybe my brain isn't all there but what on earth is causing my img and a href title attributes to break the tag?

What is wrong with this?

<a href="" title="Facebook"><img src="" alt="Facebook" title="JustForTodayNYC on Facebook" /></a>

When you hover over the image, the title is not being displayed. Then when I view the source code after loading the page, it looks like this:

<a 1="" href=""><img 1="" alt="Facebook" src=""></a>

Why is the title attribute breaking and causing both the href and img tags to convert it the title to the number 1?

A link to the page is

Answers (3)


Rashad Aliyev answers:

I think you've got a functions on you theme. You can contact with me to get VIP support.

Dan | gteh comments:

thank you. That was the issue. I had a function to remove title tags from images for a specific part of the site and forgot all about it. thanks!


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

paste here the content of the file functions.php please
it is in the folder of your theme

Dan | gteh comments:

thank you. That was the issue. I had a function to remove title tags from images for a specific part of the site and forgot all about it. thanks!


AdamGold answers:

There's something that causes the strings to change.
Where do you use this code? (In what file?), and do you have any back-end code that checks or changes this link?