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Help to move audio widget in wordpress to the top right of page. WordPress



I am looking for someone who is experienced in customising wordpress templates. I am using a custom made wordpress template on my site, and I have added a audio widget to one of the pages.

What I want is somebody to be able to put that audio widget on every page of my site in the top right hand corner of the page.

This involves editing the code, css and html to do this.


Answers (3)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Rs5,

You can take PHP code of your widget and insert it into your sidebar.php o whatever your theme has.

rs5 comments:


the code for the audio widget is

[audio:http://linktomp3 |autostart=yes |loop=yes]

can you expand, I tried putting it in the sidebar.php footer.php.

But it just displays that code above.

The code above is the shortcode used to input the audio player into a page/ post, so i dont know how to put it on each page in the place i want it.

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

rs5 you want this:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[shortcode option1="value1" option2="value2"]'); ?>

rs5 comments:

i entered this in my footer.php

php echo do_shortcode('[audio:http://linksto.mp3 |autostart=yes |loop=yes]')
not working
Is the syntax correct?

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

No, is this one (take care with PHP start and end) you don't have to use breakline, only space:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[audio:http://linksto.mp3 |autostart=yes |loop=yes]') ?>

rs5 comments:

Parse error: syntax error, unexpected '<' in /home/2011/public_html/wp-content/themes/c/footer.php on line 3

Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:

<?php echo do_shortcode('[audio:http://linksto.mp3 |autostart=yes |loop=yes]') ?>

"<?php" all joined

rs5 comments:

having problems. Dont know alot about code especially in all these wordpress files. I would like someone to do it for me. As well as embedding it on each page I need someone to CSS it in the right area of the page.


Luis Cordova answers:

please rs5 url? and provide login details via Pm


nina magbanua answers:


Embed the audio files into a post or page using shortcode and then copy the generated HTML into a text widget.

rs5 comments:

The code is the same in HTML.