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Help me put a plugin working in a custom taxonomy WordPress


I have a plugin called "Amazon Deal Snatcher". but there is a problem, this plugin only works with posts. Rather ... when creating a post comes a option for doing the research of the product (amazon products and others), "the photo in attached shows that." ... the problem is that I use an ecommerce theme, and when we create the products is not in the "add new posts" area, but in a custom taxonomy called "products", and here plguin not work. Not appear the option to do the research products.

Someone can help me ...

Answers (1)


Naveen Chand answers:

open the plugin's php file and find a line like this:
add_meta_box( '', 'Amazon Deal Snatcher Product', 'dotd_add_products', 'post', 'normal', 'high', '' );
And, Change this to:
add_meta_box( '', 'Amazon Deal Snatcher Product', 'dotd_add_products', 'products', 'normal', 'high', '' );
Notice that I have changed the word <strong>post</strong> to <strong>products</strong>. I assume that <strong>products</strong> is the registered name of your <strong>Products</strong> custom post type. You may likely find this line on Line Number 30 in your plugin file (according to the plugin I have with me). If you don't find this line, try to search for "add_meta_box" word anywhere in the plugin.

Once you have replaced the line with my code, you can Save the plugin file and go to your "Add New Product" page. You'll find the amazon box there.

Let me know if this works.

petertech comments:

Great. Thats is what i'm talking about.
It worked perfectly.