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Help customizing my current theme WordPress


I have some updates I'd like to make on my current blog:

These include:

1. My current theme is already a customized version of the autofocus theme. But now Autofocus 2.0 is available and I'd like to upgrade to 2.0 to gain some of the new functionality but ensure that my current look and feel is retained after the upgrade.

2. I'd like to customize the blog page format that is currently used on page so that it essentially looks like a tumblr style format taking advantage of WP 3.1 post formats but uses a visual style that feels consistent with the rest of the blog.

Answers (5)


Romel Apuya answers:


I can help you with this.
Sent you a PM.



Abdessamad Idrissi answers:

I'm available too :)


lalulula answers:

i understand exactly what you need. i am sending you PM. XD


WordPressExpertHelp answers:

Can I help You in customizing your theme?


leo gono answers:

let me know if you still need somebody to help you with the job.