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Help With Adding Page listing old posts. WordPress


Hello, I have a movie website and I have received many requests to put links to all of my previous reviews so that someone can simply click the link and it will take them to my review which may have been done a month or a year ago. I can use wordpress to post my reviews and the associated clips but not much more. So if this does not seem like an "emergency" question, it is not. But I can't find any other place that has any sort of expert help that would get me an answer, much less within a reasonable time. And I have a minimal understanding of what a plug in is much less asking someone to create one and I sure as heck don't know how to use HTML. So I would pay even more if someone could do it for me.

Answers (2)


Michael Fields answers:

WordPress has a built-in widget that can probably help you out. Does your theme support widgets? To find out, log in and on the left-hand menu, click the little triangle on the right of the "appearance" tab. This should cause the menu to show all the options for appearance. Do you see a link called "Widgets"? If so you can drag the "Archives" widget from the middle section to a "Sidebar" on the right to activate it. This widget will automatically create links to collections of old posts by date. Please let me know if you have any questions.

lawfirm comments:

I have the widget and it is dragged over to the right hand side, but it only gives the month, people want the links to the actual reviews maybe on a new page or something ??? I'll be happy to award you the money if you can set me straight I don't think I was that good at explaining the my situation; in fact if you want to take a look at it I'll increase the award.

Michael Fields comments:

Here's a link to all posts in the Movie review category:


Dan | gteh answers:

Look for the "Recent Posts' widget instead of the 'archive' widget which is what I think you need.