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Gravity forms date function/hook to limit date span on validation WordPress



I am struggling to find any online resources for this.

The question prize is an innitial starter as I need it answering asap, and I'm not sure if it's actually possible. If no one can answer it in time I i will have to abandon it. If someone can help, I will be happy to add another $50 to the prize. So the total prize is $70

The question..

I am using the <strong>Date field</strong>.

In this mode:<strong>dd/mm/yyyy</strong>

And upon form validation, I need to check if the date is within a date span. This is my date span below...

18/03/2013 - 28/7/2013

I guess this can done using the validation hook php that gravity forms show you. But will require some clever skills to create the function.

If someone does try and enter a invalid date, the form must not submit and the validation message should read...

<strong>Sorry, your invoice date is invalid.</strong>

Some useful links.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

If anyone can help, that would be soooo awesome.


Full prize full will go one person only.

Answers (2)


Kyle answers:

Hello, could you send the form and input IDs to help make the function as accurate as possible

Josh Cranwell comments:

Form 4
Input 39


Kyle comments:

Try this

add_filter("gform_field_validation_4_39", "validate_date", 10, 4);
function validate_date($result, $value, $form, $field){

$input_string = strtotime( $value );

$max_date = strtotime("28 July 2013");
$min_date = strtotime("18 March 2013");

if ($input_string < $min_date OR $input_string > $max_date )
$result["is_valid"] = false;
$result["message"] = "Sorry, your invoice date is invalid.";
return $result;

Kyle comments:

I did not test that and may need to run some tests on how my $input_string is working, let me know if it works.

Josh Cranwell comments:

Going to test now thanks

Kyle comments:

Okay so that worked well for me, let me know if you run into any troubles implementing that

Josh Cranwell comments:

OK, I have tested and it returns strange results.

This is my form settings...

Using these dates...

$max_date = strtotime("28 July 2013");
$min_date = strtotime("18 March 2013");

These are my entrie tests...

1. <strong>18/04/2013</strong> = this should validate, but it does not?

2. <strong>4/04/2013</strong> = this should validate, and it does.

3. <strong>19/03/2013</strong> = this should validate, but it does not?

Can you help?


Kyle comments:

The problem is with my $input_string var, one second let me adjust

Josh Cranwell comments:


Kyle comments:

Okay so the issue is dd/mm/yyyy is pretty much the only date format that php strtotime doesn't understand haha (works with mm/dd/yyyy)

Do you need it to be in that format? I could write something that converts yours if you need to

Josh Cranwell comments:

What about just a string replace?

$invoice_date = str_replace("/", "-", $value );
$input_string = strtotime( $invoice_date );

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

Also, by the way, my form is an ajax form - how does this work on an ajax form?


Kyle comments:

Should work fine in ajax. str_replace may have worked, I had already started working on the solution before you answered :)

This should work with your format:

add_filter("gform_field_validation_4_39", "validate_date", 10, 4);
function validate_date($result, $value, $form, $field){

$ex_val = explode ("/",$value);
$new_val = $ex_val[1].'/'.$ex_val[0].'/'.$ex_val[2];

$input_string = strtotime( $new_val );
$max_date = strtotime("28 July 2013");
$min_date = strtotime("18 March 2013");

if ($input_string < $min_date OR $input_string > $max_date )
$result["is_valid"] = false;
$result["message"] = "Sorry, your invoice date is invalid.";
return $result;

Josh Cranwell comments:

I've tested my str_replace adjustment, and it seems to be OK - would you recommend this be OK, what did you have in mind?

Josh Cranwell comments:

Ahhh I see what you have done. Very nice.

Cool. Well I think it works fine. I will add your extra prize money now. If I have any problems I will let you know.

Thanks you very much for your help.


Kyle comments:

Sounds good, yes either one results in same string so its up to you. Feel free to pm me if you need to. You're welcome


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Josh,

I can surely help you, just need a lunch break.

Meanwhile, you can increase the prize ;-)


Edit: I see ktrusak offered help first, so I'll wait for him to deliver the solution.

Josh Cranwell comments:

Cool thanks