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Gravity forms and Events Calendar pro - pass additional fields WordPress


Hello! I have been using the answer to this [[LINK href=""]]previous question[[/LINK]] where I use data entered from gravity forms to create events through events calendar pro. It works great! However I now need to add custom [[LINK href=""]]additional fields[[/LINK]] to my events. How would I modify this code to submit the additional fields as well?

Answers (3)


Kyle answers:

Gravity forms has this built-in so you won't need to code anything. Review this doc page: [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

On the form page under Post Fields is a field called Custom Field. On that field select 'existing' then grab 'type' from the list of fields. If you do not see it then go to a sample event and fill in the field as a kind of demo and then it will appear under the existing dropdown.

Then you should be set.

helloheathergr comments:

Hey thanks for pointing this out to me. Unfortunately it only sort of works. It does successfully save the custom post value as if it were JUST a Wordpress custom post type. However it doesn't save it as an additional field in Events Calendar pro. I have attached a screenshot of where it successfully saves. The reason why this doesn't work for me is if I ever update the event, this value gets erased. I supposed Events Calendar pro doesn't retain those values when the post gets saved. Which is why i'm trying to add it as an ECP additional field because I know it will be retained.

So potentially if we could solve that problem (could be an entirely separate question though) then this method would work for me.