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Gravity Forms - User Activation Form Problem WordPress


I am using Gravity Forms with the User Registration addon.

When a user registers they are sent an activation link via Gravity Forms.

On the activation page, I have another Gravity Form with some additional profile questions.

Everything is working fine except the final activation page. <strong>When you click 'Submit' the spinner appears but the form never submits.</strong>

I am using the templates here to override the activation screen:

With a activate-success.php to the gravity form:

gravity_form_enqueue_scripts('8', true);
gravity_form('8', true, true, false, '', true, 1);

Here is the url to the page that is not working:

Answers (1)


Arnav Joy answers:

there is js error in your theme file

Error: quote_loop is not defined
Source File:
Line: 52

this is the line having problem

var random = 1 + Math.floor(Math.random() * getPropertyCount(quote_loop));

Chuck Mac comments:

Thanks for the reply. I fixed that section and still have the same issue.

Arnav Joy comments:

ok , can you take backup of your db and then disable all other plugins not used for this page and then check it?
also try to check it once in any other browser ..

Chuck Mac comments:

The url provided is a sandbox site so please feel free to submit whatever you would like.

[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

I tried in Chrome / IE / Firefox and it does not work.

All plugins are disabled except Gravity Forms & Gravity Forms User Registration Add-On