I am using Gravity Forms to allow users to upload photos with a title, description and a few other fields to a NextGen Gallery on my website.
The three plugins I am using are:
Gravity Forms
NextGEN Gallery
NextGEN Custom Fields
I am using the NextGEN Custom Fields to add a few extra fields to each image in the gallery. What I am trying to figure out is how to automatically get the data that the users enter from the Gravity Forms contact form to display in the Next Gen Gallery so I don't have to manually enter them for each image.
How I have it set up now is when a user fills out the contact form on the website, they can upload a photo, choose their city from two check boxes, enter their name, their occupation, enter a photo tile and a description. When the user submits the photo the file is uploaded to my NextGEN galley directory. I get an email notifying me that a new image is uploaded and I go into the manage gallery option in the NextGEN Gallery and I click the button that says "scan folder for new images". This will find any new images, create thumbnails for them and thanks to [[LINK href="http://wpquestions.com/user/profile/id/7063"]]Arnav Joy[[/LINK]] they are now marked as "exclude" so I can moderate them. What doesn't happen is the "scan for new images" feature doesn't inport any of the extra fields from the Gravity Forms contact form. This means that I have to enter the users information and photo details for each image and I want it to be more automatic.
The input fields I am using are:
Name (input field)
Occupation (input field)
Photo Title (input field)
Photo Description (input field)
City (checkbox; either Portland or New York)
The ideal solution would be to create a function that I can place in my functions.php file instead of hacking one of the existing plugins that could be overwritten if not careful when updating the plugins. If a sledgehammer hack is the only way to go...I could live with that.
Please let me know if you need any screenshots or additional information from me.
Arnav Joy answers:
I have send you a PM for this please check.
Arnav Joy comments:
I am working on it.
derekshirk comments:
Sounds Great. Let me know if you need anything else from me. I appreciate your help!
Arnav Joy comments:
Hello ,
I have completed the tasks please check ,
derekshirk comments:
All of the information looks like it is being inserted into the gallery as I had hoped. One issue that I noticed is that when a user submits an image I receive an email notification and I have it set up to display the image the user submitted in my email as well as display the full url of the image (see screenshots attached). I was using the Gravity Forms merge tag {Upload your photo:5} to do this. For example:
<img src="{Upload your photo:5}" width="600px">
It seems like the new function you added conflicts with this. Any thoughts?