Looking for a solution to get Gravity Forms to submit Date, Time and other fields to Events Calendar Pro. Currently, only the Event title and body is populated.
Ref: http://anthonydispezio.com/2012/03/gf-ecp-frontend-submission/
Thank you.
Arnav Joy answers:
can you show me the form where these two plugins are used?
Arnav Joy comments:
This is the full code which you have to use in your functions.php
add_action("gform_pre_submission_4", "format_ecp_event_meta_from_gravity");
function format_ecp_event_meta_from_gravity(){
/* VARIABLES - The following variables should correspond to their respective GF form elements IDs */
// All day event
$eventAllDay = 3;
// Start and end dates (and times if the event is not all day)
$startDateFormId = 4;
$startTimeFormId = 5;
$endDateFormId = 6;
$endTimeFormId = 7;
// Event recurrence type
$recType = 8;
// Recurrence ends "On" a speceific date or "After" a certain number of occurrences
$recEndType = 9;
// End date for event recurrence (if "On" is selected)
$recEnd = 10;
// A different "After" multiplier exists for each possible recurrence type (if "After" is selected)
$recEndCounts = array(
'Every Day' => 11,
'Every Week' => 12,
'Every Month' => 13,
'Every Year' => 14,
$cost = 16;
// Venue details
$venueName = 18;
$venueAddress = 19;
$venueCity = 20;
$venueCountry = 21;
// for neither US or Canada, use province text field
$venueProvince = 22;
// for US, use state dropdown (two letter values have been added to match ECP meta)
$venueState = 23;
// for Canada, use province/territory dropdown
$venueCaProvince = 24;
$venueZip = 25;
$venuePhone = 36;
// Google Maps
$showGoogleMapLink = 26;
$showGoogleMap = 27;
//Organizer details
$organizerName = 29;
$organizerPhone = 30;
$organizerWebsite = 31;
$organizerEmail = 32;
/* DATE & TIME FORMATTING - Format the date and time from GF to match ECP meta */
// break the dates into arrays
$startDate = date_parse($_POST['input_'. $startDateFormId]);
$endDate = date_parse($_POST['input_'. $endDateFormId]);
// sql format the result
$startDateString = $startDate['year'] . '-' . str_pad($startDate['month'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($startDate['day'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$endDateString = $endDate['year'] . '-' . str_pad($endDate['month'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad($endDate['day'], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
// get the start/end times
$startTime = $_POST['input_'. $startTimeFormId];
$endTime = $_POST['input_'. $endTimeFormId];
/* SET ECP FORM VALUES - Set the ECP form values to match their respective GF fields */
$_POST['EventAllDay'] = $_POST['input_'. $eventAllDay];
$_POST['EventStartDate'] = $startDateString;
$_POST['EventStartHour'] = str_pad($startTime[0], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$_POST['EventStartMinute'] = str_pad($startTime[1], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$_POST['EventStartMeridian'] = $startTime[2];
$_POST['EventEndDate'] = $endDateString;
$_POST['EventEndHour'] = str_pad($endTime[0], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$_POST['EventEndMinute'] = str_pad($endTime[1], 2, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
$_POST['EventEndMeridian'] = $endTime[2];
$_POST['recurrence']['type'] = $_POST['input_'. $recType];
$_POST['recurrence']['end-type'] = $_POST['input_'. $recEndType];
$_POST['recurrence']['end'] = $_POST['input_'. $recEnd];
$_POST['EventCost'] = $_POST['input_'. $cost];
// Match the correct recurrence multiplier with the correct recurrence type
foreach($recEndCounts as $recTypeName => $recEndCount){
if ($_POST['input_'. $recType] == $recTypeName) {
$_POST['recurrence']['end-count'] = $_POST['input_'. $recEndCount];
// Check for the existence of the submitted venue and organization by title
$savedVenue = get_page_by_title($_POST['input_'. $venueName], 'OBJECT', 'tribe_venue');
$savedOrganizer = get_page_by_title($_POST['input_'. $organizerName], 'OBJECT', 'tribe_organizer');
// If the venue already exists, pass along the exising venue ID
if (isset($savedVenue)){
$_POST['venue']['VenueID'] = $savedVenue->ID;
// If the venue doesn't exist, pass the venue meta needed to create a new venue
} else {
// Required for venue info to be stored
$_POST['EventVenue'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueName];
$_POST['post_title'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueName];
// Pass remaining venue meta
$_POST['venue']['Venue'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueName];
$_POST['venue']['Address'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueAddress];
$_POST['venue']['City'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueCity];
$_POST['venue']['Country'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueCountry];
// Ensure that the correct state or province field is populated
switch($_POST['input_'. $venueCountry]) {
case 'United States':
$_POST['venue']['State'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueState];
case 'Canada':
$_POST['venue']['Province'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueCaProvince];
$_POST['venue']['Province'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueProvince];
$_POST['venue']['Zip'] = $_POST['input_'. $venueZip];
$_POST['venue']['Phone'] = $_POST['input_'. $venuePhone];
// Pass google maps meta
$_POST['EventShowMapLink'] = $_POST['input_'. $showGoogleMapLink];
$_POST['EventShowMap'] = $_POST['input_'. $showGoogleMap];
// If the organizer already exists, pass along the exising organizer ID
if (isset($savedOrganizer)){
$_POST['organizer']['OrganizerID'] = $savedOrganizer->ID;
} else {
// If the organizer doesn't exist, pass the organizer meta needed to create a new organizer
$_POST['organizer']['Organizer'] = $_POST['input_'. $organizerName];
$_POST['organizer']['Phone'] = $_POST['input_'. $organizerPhone];
//If the user doesn't put in a web address we want to make the website '' instead of 'http://' since that's what Gravity Forms adds by default
if( isset( $_POST['input_'. $organizerWebsite] ) )
$_POST['organizer']['Website'] = $_POST['input_'. $organizerWebsite] == 'http://' ? '' : $_POST['input_'. $organizerWebsite];
if( isset( $_POST['input_'. $organizerEmail] ) )
$_POST['organizer']['Email'] = $_POST['input_'. $organizerEmail];
// Store the new form values as ECP metadata when saving
add_action('save_post', 'save_ecp_event_meta_from_gravity', 11, 2);
function save_ecp_event_meta_from_gravity($postId, $post) {
if( class_exists('TribeEvents') ) {
// only continue if it's an event post
if ( $post->post_type != TribeEvents::POSTTYPE || defined('DOING_AJAX') ) {
// don't do anything on autosave or auto-draft either or massupdates
//if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $postId ) || isset($_GET['bulk_edit']) )
if ( wp_is_post_autosave( $postId ) || $post->post_status == 'auto-draft' || isset($_GET['bulk_edit']) || $_REQUEST['action'] == 'inline-save' )
if( class_exists('TribeEventsAPI') ) {
$_POST['Organizer'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['organizer']);
$_POST['Venue'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['venue']);
$_POST['Recurrence'] = stripslashes_deep($_POST['recurrence']);
if( !empty($_POST['Venue']['VenueID']) )
$_POST['Venue'] = array('VenueID' => $_POST['Venue']['VenueID']);
if( !empty($_POST['Organizer']['OrganizerID']) )
$_POST['Organizer'] = array('OrganizerID' => $_POST['Organizer']['OrganizerID']);
TribeEventsAPI::saveEventMeta($postId, $_POST, $post);
if( $_POST['EventAllDay'] == 'yes' ){
update_post_meta($postId,'_EventStartDate',date( TribeDateUtils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime($_POST['EventStartDate'] . " " . "00:00:00") ));
update_post_meta($postId,'_EventEndDate',date( TribeDateUtils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime($_POST['EventEndDate'] . " " ."23:59:59 " ) ));
update_post_meta($postId,'_EventStartDate',date( TribeDateUtils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime($_POST['EventStartDate'] . " " . $_POST['EventStartHour'] . ":" . $_POST['EventStartMinute'] . ":00 " . $_POST['EventStartMeridian']) ));
update_post_meta($postId,'_EventEndDate',date( TribeDateUtils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime($_POST['EventEndDate'] . " " . $_POST['EventEndHour'] . ":" . $_POST['EventEndMinute'] . ":00 " . $_POST['EventEndMeridian']) ));
where in gform_pre_submission_4 , 4 is the id of your form so you can change that
Creativira comments:
Thanks, Arnav. You get the vote.
Kyle answers:
The code works https://github.com/adispezio/gf_ecp_frontend_submission/blob/master/functions.php
Have you double checked all of your inputs?
Here is the code I use for the date if you want to try adding this, you will have to update the form ids to yours
$php_startTime = strtotime( $entry[4].' '.$entry[5] );
$php_endTime = strtotime( $entry[6].' '.$entry[7] );
$title = $entry[12];
$desc = $entry[13];
$StartDate = date("Y-m-d",$php_startTime);
$StartHour = date("h",$php_startTime);
$StartMinute = date("i",$php_startTime);
$StartMeridian = date("A",$php_startTime);
$EndDate = date("Y-m-d",$php_endTime);
$EndHour = date("h",$php_endTime);
$EndMinute = date("i",$php_endTime);
$EndMeridian = date("A",$php_endTime);
$post = array(
'post_author' => $current_user->ID,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $desc,
'post_type' => TribeEvents::POSTTYPE,
'EventStartDate' => $StartDate,
'EventEndDate' => $EndDate,
'EventStartHour' => $StartHour,
'EventStartMinute' => $StartMinute,
'EventStartMeridian' => $StartMeridian,
'EventEndHour' => $EndHour,
'EventEndMinute' => $EndMinute,
'EventEndMeridian' => $EndMeridian
$the_post_id = tribe_create_event( $post );
Creativira comments:
Thanks for your contribution. Will try it out.
Kyle comments:
I can help you build the rest of this out if you want to go this route instead the code from http://anthonydispezio.com/ let me know
I prefer to use the gravity form and events calendar hooks instead of what he used in his code. So in this case I would rather use the $entry from gravity form instead of $_POST and tribe_create_event will work best.
Kyle comments:
Here is the code for organizer too, you'll have to adjust the entry ids here as well
$post_2 = array(
'post_author' => $current_user->ID,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $desc,
'post_type' => 'tribe_organizer',
'OrganizerOrganizer, => $entry[16],
'OrganizerEmail' => $entry[17],
'OrganizerWebsite' => $entry[18],
'OrganizerPhone => $entry[19],
$the_post_id_2 = tribe_create_organizer( $post_2 );
Kyle comments:
Here is everything (don't forget to change the form id on the after submission line 1):
add_action("gform_after_submission_2", "create_event_org", 10, 2);
function create_event_org($entry, $form){
$current_user = wp_get_current_user();
$php_startTime = strtotime( $entry[4].' '.$entry[5] );
$php_endTime = strtotime( $entry[6].' '.$entry[7] );
$title = $entry[12];
$desc = $entry[13];
$StartDate = date("Y-m-d",$php_startTime);
$StartHour = date("h",$php_startTime);
$StartMinute = date("i",$php_startTime);
$StartMeridian = date("A",$php_startTime);
$EndDate = date("Y-m-d",$php_endTime);
$EndHour = date("h",$php_endTime);
$EndMinute = date("i",$php_endTime);
$EndMeridian = date("A",$php_endTime);
$post = array(
'post_author' => $current_user->ID,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $desc,
'post_type' => TribeEvents::POSTTYPE,
'EventStartDate' => $StartDate,
'EventEndDate' => $EndDate,
'EventStartHour' => $StartHour,
'EventStartMinute' => $StartMinute,
'EventStartMeridian' => $StartMeridian,
'EventEndHour' => $EndHour,
'EventEndMinute' => $EndMinute,
'EventEndMeridian' => $EndMeridian
$the_post_id = tribe_create_event( $post );
$post_2 = array(
'post_author' => $current_user->ID,
'post_status' => 'publish',
'post_title' => $title,
'post_content' => $desc,
'post_type' => 'tribe_organizer',
'OrganizerOrganizer, => $entry[16],
'OrganizerEmail' => $entry[17],
'OrganizerWebsite' => $entry[18],
'OrganizerPhone => $entry[19],
$the_post_id_2 = tribe_create_organizer( $post_2 );
Creativira comments:
Thanks for your efforts, Kyle.
Susanta K Beura answers:
I can help you to resolve this problem. Please add me on your skype. My Skype ID is: susanta.k
Thank you
Susanta (aka WP-Guru)
Skype: susanta.k
jazbek answers:
Hi viracreatv,
Are you aware of the Community Events plugin published by Modern Tribe? It comes with the functionality you're looking for:
Creativira comments:
Hi jazbek,
Thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm aware. There are fields not require such as venue, cost, etc. Customization is not user friendly. Prefer Gravity Forms for all forms on the site for consistency.