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Gravity Forms WordPress


Hello !

Using the <strong> addon with gravity forms,</strong>

how am I able to set up

the 'start date' to charge the card for a recurring payment?
In other words, a purchase is made Jan 1, the card is authorized at time of
purchase, card is charged 30 days after purchase date.

This is possible to do within, but how does it work with the

Answers (2)


Kyle answers:

Does your account support Automated Recurring Billing (ARB)?

Kyle comments:

If you do, on the form fields page when you are setting up your payment field under transaction type you can choose from Products and Services which is a single one time payment, or Subscriptions... if you have enabled Authorize.Net's Automated Recurring Billing option then you'll be able to select the Subscriptions option. From there you can choose Recurring Amount, Billing Cycle, Recurring Times and Trial Period.

erenik comments:

Thanks Kyle!

But it doesn't work. As i understand it needs something to add in function.php

like :

add_filter( 'gform_authorizenet_subscription_pre_create', 'change_subscription_start_date', 10, 4 );

Kyle comments:

If you are just trying to delay the initial billing period you can set that with the Trial Period time. Would that solve it or do you have a specific kind of date functionality in mind?

If you're just delaying the process all together something like this would work:

add_filter( 'gform_authorizenet_subscription_pre_create', 'change_subscription_config', 10, 1 );
function change_subscription_config( $subscription ) {

$subscription->startDate = gmdate('Y-m-d', strtotime("+30 days"));
return $subscription;


erenik comments:

Kyle I founded this code [[LINK href=""]]here [[/LINK]] before but it doesn't work. I try it but it again save like <strong>startDate </strong> the today date not 30 days later.

Kyle comments:

Where are you seeing that startDate value?

erenik comments:

In the backend admin in the Gravity form Entries

Kyle comments:

Hi, I got your email, let me know.


Romel Apuya answers:

have you read this [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]
the setup section