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Gravity Form Hooks - url passing WordPress


i have to pass a url using gravity form hooks, what i need to be done is when click a button (book now) it should load a page with new form - form has drop down menu for first option, and relevant option must dynamically populated.

for clear understanding...

Page 1 has course details and book now buttons -----> user click book now button -----> redirect to new page with form----> relevant option from drop down must populate dynamically when page and form loads

Answers (3)


Ross Wilson answers:

Hi Jay,

Do you have a url we could look at? It looks like you probably need to pass a query parameter when you click on the button and write a little jquery code to pre-populate the form based on that parameter. I will be around for the next hour or so on skype: ross_wilsonwc, or just email me directly at [email protected]


Jay R comments:

I just sent a email to you Ross,

I really appreciate your help


Jay R comments:

hey Guys,

Problem solved Ross helped me big time, great it's done - I don't expect any more answers

thanks Ross


Julio Potier answers:

@Jay: Do not forget to vote ;)


Fahad Murtaza answers:

Ross is on fire :) He is quick and reliable.