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Grab field from Geo My WP Plugin WordPress


I am using the geo my wordpress plugin:

I have a custom page template where I show the map using their shortcode. I also want to echo out the address, phonenumber for location outside of the shortcode. These fields are saved when you save the location in a custom post type.

I want to echo them out like this
<p><?php echo $address; ?></p>
<p><?php echo $phone; ?></p>

etc. for the specific location

However, I can't seem to figure out how to get the $address. It does not seem to be saved as a custom field.

Any direction would be helpful.

Answers (3)


Espreson Media answers:

<p><?php echo do_shortcode( 'gmw_single_location object="post" elements="address"]' ); ?></p>
<p><?php echo do_shortcode( 'gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="phone"]' ); ?></p>

jpequens comments:

I tried that but the phone number does not show, and displays with the full map etc. I am trying to just get the text if possible.

Espreson Media comments:

Do you want "Current Location" or Single Location or Posts Locator

jpequens comments:

Single Location. Phone number always shows up with the map and other items if you post using their shortcode. I assume the phone number is somehow saved in the database, I am looking to just grab it directly without all of the other unnecessary items.

jpequens comments:

This post also discusses it - but it is a bit dated. I think I need to create a loop and grab via an arg is my best guess.

jpequens comments:

Looking at php my admin it looks like geo my wordpress creates

gmw_locations - this contains all the locations by row with a field for 'address'
gmw_locatationmeta - this contains the phone number, website etc. and then pairs it to the gmw_locations row id.

I don't know database queries very well, but is there an easy way for me to call these?


Mohamed Ahmed answers:

Hello Jpequens,

You can echo the shortcodes to be like that


echo "Address : " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" elements="address"]' );

-Full Address Details

echo "All Address Details: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" address_fields="city,postcode,region_name"]' );

-Phone, Email or Website

echo "All Address Details: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="phone,email,website"]' );

If you need anything else, tell me

jpequens comments:

Same issues as the others. Phone always shows up with all the extra info, map etc.

I can isolate the map alone, and address alone, but never phone. And for address, it has a bunch of extra styling etc. that I would like to avoid if possible. Just trying to grab the raw data from the db if possible.

jpequens comments:

Looking at php my admin it looks like geo my wordpress creates

gmw_locations - this contains all the locations by row with a field for 'address'
gmw_locatationmeta - this contains the phone number, website etc. and then pairs it to the gmw_locations row id.

I don't know database queries very well, but is there an easy way for me to call these?


Monit Jadhav answers:

From what I see you can echo out individual elements using the shortcode

[gmw_single_location object="post" elements="title,distance,map,address,directions_link"]

title,distance,map,address,directions_link these are the all the possible elements you can show individually wherever you want

For address you can the shortcode like below it will echo out entire address

echo "Address : " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" elements="address"]' );

For fields inside the Address element you can use the above shortcode

echo "Single Address entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" address_fields="city,postcode,region_name"]' );

So for City you can do

echo "Single Address entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" address_fields="city"]' );

For Phone numbers, they are stored as meta information so you need to use the shortcode below again you can echo multiple or single entities as you want

echo "Meta entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="phone,email,website"]' );

PHone number
echo "Meta entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="phone"]' );


echo "Meta entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="email"]' );


echo "Meta entities: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="website"]' );

Detailed link here

Let me know if you still have issues and I will be happy to help

jpequens comments:

Thanks for the help, and yes, I have tried all these and been through all of the docs. Phone number never shows up alone. It always shows up with the map etc.

I put it on the top of your pages using your code for phone only for you to see:
echo "Meta entities phone only: " . do_shortcode( '[gmw_single_location object="post" location_meta="phone"]' );

I assume when I save the address, phone, website whatever to the post it is saved in the db somewhere. I want to be able to grab it directly without the extra styling etc. of the shortcode

jpequens comments:

Looking at php my admin it looks like geo my wordpress creates

gmw_locations - this contains all the locations by row with a field for 'address'
gmw_locatationmeta - this contains the phone number, website etc. and then pairs it to the gmw_locations row id.

I don't know database queries very well, but is there an easy way for me to call these?