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Google Plus profile conflict with Jetpack v WMPL plugins WordPress


On the blog posts of my corporate website,, I would like to use the Google Plus profile in the Jetpack plugin.

However, I also use the WMPL multilingual plugin for French and English posts.

When the the two plugins are activated, my Google Plus profile and photo do NOT show. When the WMPL plugin is deactivated, then it DOES show! There seems to be a conflict between the two plugins.

Here is the latest post: You will see that there are other sharing buttons, but not the full Google Plus Profile that Jetpack Sharing also does. WMPL is activated (I need it for every single page of the website). Please look at the image enclosed to see what I want (this is when I deactivated the WMPL plugin).

I can find no issue regarding this on the WMPL forum.

Hoping someone can help

Joss Frimond

Answers (2)


Just Me answers:

I don't have a solution (other than adding custom code to generate the same effect), but I do know WPML is working on and almost finished making Jetpack and WPML compatible.

Joss Frimond comments:

Hi Just me,

So you're saying I just need to wait a bit? If so, how long do you think it will be?

Kind regards,



Balanean Corneliu answers: Take a look here maybe this solution can be good for your case to.

Joss Frimond comments:

Thanks but I don't know how this could help, I'm not sure which part you mean.