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Google Optimizer For Wordpress (Part Two) WordPress


My question is still open and I would love to see if anyone knows the answer to this conundrum, there is $8 available from the first post (still) and I'm willing to add another $12 and award it to the best answer.

I am split testing two squeeze pages, one with headline and text the other with video, I have placed the optimizer code on the page using this plug in

But I still cannot validate my pages

Any who has had experience of this let me know :-)

Many thanks

Answers (2)


Chris Olbekson answers:

I would be happy to go into your dashboard and take a look at it for you. You can message me through the contact form on my website listed in my profile.

Chris Olbekson comments:

He already has the account set up or he would not be able to get the code to put into the plugin.

When you validate at Google Website Optimizer it checks the pages for the required code. If it is not there then it won't validate.

You can also go to the pages you are running the tests on and do a view source and see if the code has been added. At the very bottom you will see something like this:

<!-- Google Website Optimizer Tracking Script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
if(typeof(_gat)!='object')document.write('<sc'+'ript src="http'+
<script type="text/javascript">
try {
var gwoTracker=_gat._getTracker("UA-xxxxxxxxxx-x");
<!-- End of Google Website Optimizer Tracking Script -->

If none of the code is there then the plugin is not adding it. If there is code there then there is a problem with code.


Rashad Aliyev answers:

Hello Mr. Steve,

For using Google Website Optimizer you only need a Google AdWords account.

However you can use the Optimizer to test Landing Pages other than those create for your AdWords campaigns.

If you're using Google Optimizer For Wordpress plugin then you don't need any coding. Only make it enable and insert your scripts which getting from .

However I think that's maybe depended for your theme.

best regards,